Thursday, January 14, 2010

Adam's 15th!!!

Wow, Adam is 15 today. And he looks every bit the part. Tall, dark and getting handsomer all the time. Great kid. Most days. ;o) Just kiddin'. We've lucked out with all our kiddos, and Adam is no exception.

The girls and I served him breakfast in bed this morning on his birthday china... Not sure if I've shared what that is... A year or so ago we sent a package to "Mama Zhanna" in Ukraine, and in it we included a tea cup, saucer, and dessert plate which each kid had a match to. On their birthdays, they would use their dishes in the hopes that Mama Zhanna is doing the same. Kind of a nice way of keeping her in their lives, and something meaningful for her also. She cried when she opened them, so I hope that today, the china is used on both sides of the world.

I had originally planned that birthday cake would be served on the plate, but Adam wanted his cake this weekend when we're having a house full of company. I made him "birthday cookies" instead of cake for today. He passed them out at church last night, but we have extras to celebrate with today. So anyway, this morning we put his scrambled eggs and sausage on the plate, made him some tea, homemade cards, put it all on a nice tray, and woke him up to a majorly off-key rendition of "Happy Birthday."

Lots of other little surprises up our sleeves for him tonight, but that's the day so far!

Oh, some have been asking if I've had the baby yet. *groan*... Nope! I'm due two weeks from today though, so hopefully it will be soon. Abrielle was six days early, so, you never know! :o)


Bridget said...

Happy Birthday Adam! Thanks for the update! Wishing you a quick and easy delivery as much as that can happen anyway ;)

Ruth said...

Be grateful you haven't given birth too early. I don't recommend it..hsving done it twice myself. Hope Adam has a very wonderful bday!!!!

Maggie said...

merfirriYou are amazing, Shelly! My husband and I adopted three children from Poland: Patrycja (now 12), Mateusz (now 10) and Oliwia (now 7). It will be one full year July 28 (when they entered the U.S.). I need support and encouragement, so I hope I hear from you. Any advice? (Their English is quite good, and I know some Polish.)

Mary Anne Karney at