Monday, September 12, 2005

Hubba-Bubba Head

Liana is lucky to be alive today.

This afternoon while the girls were playing, Aleksa's gum accidentally fell out of her mouth and landed in Liana's hair. It didn't stick, but we had a fun conversation recalling Adam's run-in with the gum last fall and how we had to put peanut butter in his hair to get it out.

Well, about ten minutes later, Liana announces from the next room that she had bubble-gum in her hair and needed peanut butter. She put it in there ON PURPOSE because she thought it would be fun to put some peanut butter in her hair like we did with Adam. (Did you catch the words, "ON PURPOSE?" She even GIGGLED about having done it!) I Coulda Killed Her.

Mama was NOT a happy girl. I slathered the peanut butter (and of course, we only had chunky and not creamy), in her hair, and then told her to sit there at the table until the timer went off. Mama needed a time-out before she strangled the girl. Of course, that isn't what I told her. I told her the peanut butter needed to soak in for that long. So, I holed-up in my room trying to chill out before having to go out and deal with the mess she made of her hair. It, of course, was a giant wad stuck toward the top of her hair (couldn't have been the bottom, right, and it couldn't have been a Chicklet, right?)

Anyway, after I came out, I got out the video camera and handed it to Adam. I figured I needed proof that I didn't kill her, and to document this wonderful occasion. I wound up having to cut it out... the peanut butter failed her. Liana wailed the entire time.

So, then tonight Mom Fisher calls. I say, "Grandma, do you want to hear what Liana did today?" and then I handed the phone over. Liana gets on the phone, explains the whole thing, and THEN she tells my mil, "And then, when I told Mama what I did, Mama said, 'Liana, get your butt in here!' so, I got my butt in there."

That's when I asked for the phone back. LOL!

Oy. We're all either minus a few hairs or plus a few frayed nerves, but thankfully, everyone can now laugh about it. It took a while though! ;O)

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