Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sick Kids

We had such a nice Thanksgiving! Headed up north for the holiday, and slept in Grandma Fisher's apartment, since it was still in the process of being cleaned out and was room for all of us. That was kinda hard, but we were able to help clean out her appliances and bathroom, etc. It was nice to be able to do something useful.

But actually, Thanksgiving isn't what I hopped on here to write about. We got home from our trip last evening, and everyone was sent to bed. At 3:00 a.m., however, Liana came running up the stairs screaming/crying. Scared me half to death. Her stomach hurt, she said. I was thinking it was her appendix until she quit crying and let us poke her tummy. We wound up giving her some M.O.M. and I snuggled down in bed with her. Well, at about 4:30, I hear Aleksa throwing up above us. (Liana has the bottom bunk now, so Leks was over us). Oh nice. That was the beginning of a very long day for us. Aleksa threw up at least ten to fifteen times today, and is finally right now (as in 7:00pm) feeling a little better and able to keep down some fluids. :O( Adam has been just fine though, so that's a blessing, and Liana felt much better by this afternoon. She was as sacked out on the couch as her sister.

I've been really lucky so far with these kids. Aside from our initial giardia medicine throwing up mess, the kids really haven't had much of any stomach flu. Aleksa never has had a tummy flu. She's had lots of respiratory viruses, but nothing ever like this. The poor girl didn't know how to throw up. John and I had to actually teach her. She started out just throwing up where she was (in bed, in the middle of the floor, on the couch, etc). Then, she would run to our room and tell us her tummy felt yucky. (Threw up on the floor outside our door.) Finally, we got her to go into the bathroom. That time she went into the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and promptly tossed her cookies on the floor. That one made me chuckle. She was so tired/sick, she couldn't think straight. Eventually she learned that the head goes IN the toilet when puking though. Uff.

So, there went the idea of putting the Christmas tree up. I had planned to leave the table full of appetizers and do the tree-trimming today, but instead I left the appetizers out (lots of raw fruits and veggies), and let the kids graze as they were up to it, and ditched the tree idea. Bummer. I was really looking forward to a fun day of Christmas doings.

Hoping tonight is a little less dramatic...


Jodi said...

We had sick kids over Thanksgiving, too! The little one was very, very sick. Hope your days are back to "normal" soon. We spent this morning disinfecting the house.

Marnie said...

The poor little ones. And big ones! It's not fun being either half of that equation. Hope everyone gets back to normal soon and the Christmas fun can begin.

Calico Sky said...

Poor babies. I hope Adam keeps healthy (you and John too) and that the girls feel better soon.
Lots of prayers sent your way,