Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Gift from Grandma

Most of you who have followed along with this blog since the beginning remember that I lost my mom a few years ago. It's been four now, which is unreal to me... Seems like it happened just yesterday!

Before Mom died, she made crocheted teddy bears for all her kids and grandkids. Talk about a LOT of bears. They were/are adorable. John and I got one, and while we didn't have any children at the time, she went ahead and made one for "Future Fisher." I've always kept it with my Christmas decorations. Last year I actually put them on my Christmas tree away from little hands that I was afraid would be too rough with them.

This year I put Mom's Bears on our mantle. Well, Adam has been asking us this year for a teddy bear. He doesn't have one, and never has. Which is ironic since he has *so* many stuffed animals (which he loves!) His Ukrainian name means "Little Bear," so it is rather strange that we've never bought him a bear. Well, anyway, while playing with the bears on the mantle, the one that Mom made for "Future Fisher" started playing MUSIC. I never knew it played music! You squish its head, and there is a music box (or something!) in it that plays a lullaby. It startled me to hear it. Adam loved it instantly. He's our anything-that-makes-noise lover around here.

Adam grinned ear-to-ear and danced around the livingroom with it when I explained to him how special it was, and gave it to him as a Christmas gift from the grandma he never knew...

Thanks, Mom... that meant a lot to me... I'm so tickled his first teddy bear got to be from you!


Anonymous said...

Teary eyed in Sun Prairie. Your Mom would have been so thrilled!

Missy said...

That story gives me goose bumps. How wonderful that he understood the special-ness (is that a word) of that bear!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story!! One to be treasured for generations to come. We think of you all often.

Calico Sky said...

Oh Shelly, I am crying. I am so happy that you have that bear to share with your own three bears, and how appropriate that your child whose name means little bear, found the specialness in it.
Still crying...