Sunday, December 10, 2006

New man in the house...

Talk about a rough weekend for my son. This weekend, he grew up. And didn't like it much at all.

Yesterday I took the kids on our Saturday Errands and gave John some peace and quiet at home (he wasn't feeling well). Went to the library, did a little shopping, got the car washed, and then went to Burger King. This time, instead of doing the Drive Thru, we went inside to eat. This particular BK has an enormous play area in it. Biggest the kids have ever seen, and Wow, were they excited that they actually got to play there this time.

Well, everyone except Adam. He is now as tall as I am, according to the measurement on the wall. John says I'm still a hair taller, but either way, Adam is a young man, and a young man that is too tall to be running around in the Play Place at BK with so many other little kids there. We both read the rules together, and while he was flattered that now he was a young man... it stung. After he ate his chicken salad, he walked around the outside of it looking in, and played with the Tic Tac Toe game on the outside wall of it since that's all he could. (If there hadn't been so many other families of little kids there, I would have let him in anyway. He was pretty pathetic.)

So, on the way home, I stopped at the gas station for some milk, and who should be outside with his real-live reindeer, but Santa. Now, actually at our house, we don't "do" Santa. The kids' gifts are from us, and always have been. We've just always been convinced that not only was it important to emphasize the Real reason for the season, remembering Christ's birth, but also that the kids know that their presents were from their parents. (Kinda like how we wanted their food to be from us at the beginning... It's a huge bonding thing).

Well anyway, as I was on the way inside, the kids asked if they could see the deer and wave to Santa. Sure, ok. Nothing wrong with that. Well, the girls wound up on Santa's lap before you could say "Ho-ho-ho!" Adam stayed with me acting totally disgusted that the girls were being so crazy. In reality, he was more than a little disappointed not to be on Santa's lap himself. Lots of heavy sighs, and reminding me how big he was. The girls, on the other hand, had a good ole time telling Santa what they wanted. Actually, Leksa clammed up, and Liana had to whisper in her ear telling her waht to say. Finally Liana just told him, "She likes what I like. We want crowns and earrings!"

So, on the way home, Liana said, "We didn't think he was real, but Mama, that man thought he was, so we had to tell him what we wanted when he asked us. He thinks he's going to bring us stuff on Christmas, so maybe he will this year!"


John did a major eye-roll when they came home so excited. Then, he told the girls they had a Much better shot sitting on HIS lap asking him what they wanted, so they were glad to do that. (Even Adam.) ;O)

So, I felt bad for my Buddy all day yesterday. My little boy in his Young Man body. He's still so immature, and emotionally so young... It's just so hard that his body and his birthday don't coincide with what his heart and emotions are doing. :O(

Last night after we tucked the kids in, I heard Mom's teddy bear singing Adam a lullaby several times in a row. He needed that really, really badly, and I got more than a little teary...

It was the last straw this morning that we found Susie dead. Adam tried so hard to be brave, and my Mama heart busted wide open for him. I was in sobs. Not this weekend of all weekends! It's like her death marked the end of Adam's childhood or something. I don't know. It just felt like the Susie Era was the time when Adam could be a little boy, and now the world (and his body) thinks he's all grown up now. After we talked and hugged a while, Adam wanted me to tell Auntie Sharon, who was the one who gave it to him. He said, "Tell her I loved Susie and took good care of her, but that she died." *sobs* A very young man thing to say, I thought.

We buried our furry friend this afternoon in the woods on the hill next to our house.

Adam is finding out it is hard to be getting older, but I'm also finding out how heartbreaking it is to watch my little boy become a man.


Calico Sky said...

Oh Shelly, now I'm crying (which this week doesn't take much to do). Poor Adam, that is way too much for anyone in one weekend. Poor thing, oh I feel so upset for him. I know that you and John will of handled it beautifully, and found a way to make him feel special like only the two of you can do!
I'll say an extra prayer for Adam tonight.

Jodi said...

I LOL about Liana saying "that man thinks he's Santa".

Raising boys is not easy. The world wants them (and little girls) to grow up much faster than they're meant to. I'm so sorry about the rough weekend you've all had. Hopefully, Adam will discover some of the great joys of growing up very soon.

Mom, you're doing a great job.

Anonymous said...

Even kiddos who haven't been through what Adam has have some hard moments as they transition toward becoming young men & young ladies. I remember when I taught middle school it seemed 6th graders kept flipping back and forth between wanting to be treated like a teenager and wanting to still be a "kid" and play with toys that are associated only with kids.

Sorry to hear about Susie passing...losing a pet is a sad thing to be sure... Well maybe a new pet will make a good Christmas gift? I wish all the Fishers a very Merry Christmas.

Calico Sky said...

Hope Adam had a better day today.