Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

Fun day! We've got a little sugar high from our Easter candy, but we're happy! ;O)

John's mom made the girls some Easter dresses, and saved the hemming for me, since she couldn't make the "hem" decision without the girls in front of her. She mailed the dresses this last week, and as I've been extra tired with all the goings-on around here, I put it off... Until 5:00 a.m. this morning! (I'm extra tired now today too! Wonder why!) ;O)

It was worth it though... The girls looked great, and Grandma came through with a new shirt and a "real" tie for Adam too. This is his first tie-it-yourself tie. Very proud boy over here. Had to grab the video camera as John gave the first "here's-how-you-tie-a-tie" tutorial.

There was a scrumptuous breakfast served at church this morning... Absolute gourmet delight. De-Lish smorgesborg of yummies. Praline french toast, two egg casseroles, cinnamon rolls, caramel rolls, fresh fruit. Num. (Yes, even the eggies were yummy. Since I'm a mommy now, I've had to learn to like 'em. At least the kinds that aren't "straight" eggs!)

It was nice to have extra visitors today at church too. Interestingly, one of our visitors was Jewish! We had a communion service too, so on top of hearing a Resurrection message, she really got to see a lot. Hope she returns... I'd love to pick her brain on a lot of things. I love talking to different "types" of people... (You've probaby picked that up about me by now!) We midwesterners tend to be rather, uh, plain. (You know, crock-pot cooker types who only use salt and pepper for seasoning!) (*yawns*)

We spent Easter dinner with a few other families from church. Those of us without family in town all got together. There were probably 15 of us, and was it ever nice. It was a bummer for us to be away from our families "back home" today, but it was really nice to still have a big shin-dig to go to today. I think today was a record-breaking day for the number of recipes I wanted to and/or did ask for! Everything was delicious all day long. (Speaking of good ones, I found a yummy banana pudding dessert recipe that I brought to dinner: (Don't you just love the All Recipes website?)

Ok, I've totally rambled and wandered off topic, but that's the day, and I don't want it lost! If I don't write it down, it's Poofed in three days flat; right out of my memory banks!

Oh bummer. That totally reminds me of something else I don't want to forget, but don't want to mortify my daughter about some day... Big stuff though, nonetheless... *debates with herself whether or not to post this, but remembers that Liana said, "Oh, Mama, ya gotta put this on your blog!"*
*debates some more knowing that Liana really has no clue what my blog is all about, but just that I write stuff in it that I don't want to forget, and that Grandma can read it...*

Well, here we go.

This weekend I bought Liana her first um, You Know What for under her shirts. She was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. We came home and she marched right in her room and tried it on. I found out later that she had it on backwards. It wasn't doing her Any Good At All where it needed to, but her shoulder blades were completely discreet, lemme tellya. *wink* I won't tell you how long and hard I laughed at her when she showed me that. (Don't worry, once she realized it, she was laughing hysterically too!)
And then this morning, I found out she even slept in the thing. I'm sure that affinity will wear off Fast! Such sweet mother-daughter memories made over that! But alas, she's growing up way too fast... :O(


Marnie said...

Happy belated Easter! Those kids sure look lovely, and happy.

I have some Jewish clients and I have wonderful talks with them about their holidays, special foods etc. Diversity is a great thing. I feel rather plain myself!

Congratulations to Liana on the first bra. (Heavens, can't we just SAY it?) She'll still be your little girl for a long time, though, I think. :)

Missy said...

Poor Liana...she seems to get the most "mixed up." But she sure gives us all giggles.
p.s. I can't believe how big your little ones are.

Calico Sky said...

What a beautiful picture of the 3 kids. John's mom is a very very kind lady and Grandma, the children sure are lucky to have someone as wonderful as her!

Oh I had to laugh about the story -you worded it well enough not to be too embarassing! lol Boy, they grow up too fast though!!!