Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Adam!

It is Adam's 13th birthday today! :O) Adam and I made his birthday cake this morning - cheesecake! This is the first one I've ever made from scratch, so I'm hoping it turns out. The batter was good, but who knows if we did it right. I bought lots of pie filling for topping though, so if the cheesecake doesn't turn out, we'll just dump more cherries on top, right? ;O)

John and I realized last night that starting today, we're going to have teenagers in the house for the next NINETEEN YEARS except a three month stretch between Aleksa's 20th and Abrielle's 13th birthdays.

I can feel those gray hairs sprouting already! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Please tell Adam "Happy Birthday lately from his siter in Christ in Thailand" I read the previous post about sickness.. How are you all right now? I'm praying for y'll.Have a nice day! Ya ^-^

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my dear Buddy again. I sure wish we could have been there for his special day. "13" Wow! It just doesn't seem possible.

That is a long time to have teenagers in the house, Shelly. Some how it makes me feel very old all of the sudden.

Love you all lots and lots.

Ruth said...

Happy Birthday, Adam!!! Wow I can't believe he's 13 already although he does look very "grown up" in the Christmas photo. Hope he had a very special bday!!!

vodkamartini said...

Mnoh Hya-leeta Adam!

I can't believe it- Shelly, congrats on your first teenager.

I try not to do the math of how old I'LL be when Vica and Natasha hit the teen years.

Hope the cheesecake is yummy!


Tami said...

Happy Birthday Adam!!! I hope you had a great day.
Mmmmm...cheesecake. Can you save some leftovers for me until I get back from Ukraine?

adoptedthree said...

13 already???
Happy Birthday and enjoy that cheesecake!