Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Where's Waldo, er, Shelly?

Sorry. Awol again.

My laptop died.

I've been in mourning.

Thankfully my hubby is a geek, and saved my pictures, but all my bookmarked websites are poofed and I'll have to scrounge them up again. My two favorites I had to find right away as they have become my right arms (allrecipes.com and tammysrecipes.com) So, since I have no 'puter of my own right now, I've had to wait my turn for John's or the kids'. (Well, not really, but I do confess I'm rather lost on anything other than my own, so it has made me not as eager to hop online these days.)

Oh, and we've been looking for a house! We might actually have a basement! Woo-hoo! I'll keep y'all posted on that one, but I've sure been having fun! :o) We've even looked at "goat-friendly" houses. (Those of you who know me well know that goats and chickens have been dreams for a long time...) But, well, did you know that those farm house types need WORK? Uff DA! I did not marry a carpenter or handyman, and so, after oohing and aahing over the awesome gardens and acres, I have decided to stick to looking for a house in town. The kids' only request had been "neighbor kids!" so, the farm houses weren't appealing at all for them that way either.

Dad is hanging in there. On top of all his troubles, he cracked a rib and the arthritis in his neck has gotten so bad in the last month that he can't lift his head up. His chin sorta hangs in his chest. The kids and I made a trip to see him once last week, and I'm hoping to squeeze another on in this week, but we'll see how the house situation progresses. He's been on some strong pain meds for that cracked rib, and they've made him rather out of it. Not fun stuff, poor guy.

That's where I've been. Lots of stuff going on, and all the same old laundry to do and kiddos to feed. And burp. (Ok, well, Adam does a good enough job on his own...) ;o)


Joanna said...

Thanks for blogging again, Shelly! I've missed you. :) I started a blog of my own recently, and I find I love the outlet. I'll pray that you guys find just the right house for you!

Ruth said...

Sorry to hear about your computer troubles. I'd feel lost w/o my laptop! I have been praying for your dad the last few weeks. The options you described in the previous post awhile back just sounded like torture. Your dad must be a VERY strong person. I hope things improve for him so that he isn't in so much pain.