Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Abrielle!

Yesterday's big day was also celebrated by going outside and enjoying her first snow. We've had snow before, but nothing stuck. I thought it was only fitting that as a birthday treat, we head outside and check out what the white stuff was.

She was so curious, and careful! I loved watching her in the snow! We hadn't bought her any boots yet, so I just threw some socks over her shoes to keep her feet extra warm and dry. Worked slick, especially since she was so bundled up otherwise, the poor girl could hardly move!

The big kids made her a snowman for her birthday. She seemed to like it, but she knocked the thing over after about five minutes. Oops.

Here's her smash cake, which true to her nature, she very hesitantly dug into. She sat and looked at it a good long time before someone took her hand and stuck it in the cake. She sat there a while and wondered what to do next with her poor hand all covered with frosting.

Oh, Abrielle, your siblings have so much to teach you! lol!


Anonymous said...

What a blessed birthday!!

Ruth said...

Snow for her bday! How special!! Paul will be hoping that Nadia is like Abrielle in terms of eating her bday cake. He is not a big fan of a child getting food all over herself (he's actually rather horrified by it, LOL!) :-)