Thursday, June 23, 2005

Adam's Ears

Well, *sniff*, I can't be all that flattered anymore that my son thinks I have a nice singing voice. (He's the only person my entire life that has told me that!) Today Adam's pediatrician confirmed that he has a hearing impairment. We have a referral to an ear specialist, so we'll find out more specifics then.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.


Anonymous said...

Well it's a good thing you noticed this and are having it looked into. And don't worry about your singing voice - it's the heart attitude that matters. Just make a joyful noise unto the Lord! ;-) Ruth from the ttc adoption db

Shelly said...

Thanks, Ruth! I make noises alright! :O)

(Thinking lots about you today, btw. Hope all goes well for you!)


Anonymous said...


My son is also from Ukraine. When he was 5 years old, he was diagnosed as hearing impaired. He now wears hearing aids. If you have any questions, Please feel free to contact me.

Shelly said...

Thank you, Kelley! Adam's ear appointment is next Thursday, so I might just email you then. Not really sure what to ask right now since we don't know that much yet! THANK YOU!


Anonymous said...

There are so many advancements in medical auditory technology that Adam can benefit from. He will soon be hearing your pretty singing voice clearly! And how wonderful that will be:) Good luck, Shelly... Jo from the ttc adoption board