Saturday, September 03, 2005

Tea Party!

Liana and Adam

A few days ago I broke out a tea set that I had bought several years ago when children were just a dream. I had found it at a craft show for Way Too Much Money and just had to have it. One of those kinds of things. I haven't hauled it out yet because I really wanted the kids to not be all wild with it and think it was something to break. The girls were dying to dress up, so I invited them to a tea party, and even Adam got excited when I told him that he could wear Great Grandpa's hat. He looked rather dapper, I must say! ;O) Adam pretended to be King, Liana Queen, and Aleksa the Baby Princess. I was the servant. We had a blast! Real tea (please, no flames - they were raised on real tea, it ain't gonna kill them now!), and Triskit crackers, plus a white table cloth, Ukrainian rushnyk, clip earrings, bracelets, rings - Adam even got a tie-tack! It was a lot of fun, and we got a lot of video of the Royals ordering the servant around. Fun, fun, fun.

Later on in the day, we babysat Cousin Glenn and Cousin Callie. Callie is 6 months old. Adam and Liana were chattering at her, and she started sort of rocking in her stroller seat. Adam got really serious and said she wasn't happy. I was confused. He said, "That's orphanage talking." Liana sat down on the ground and rocked back and forth and said, "Mama, this is what we did in the orphanage when nobody loved us." Lump in my throat. I'm so glad they don't feel like they have to do that now!


Anonymous said...


What an emotional week you've been having, so many ups and downs- but through it all you somehow manage to keep us all up to date :)

As for "forgetting", please don't be so hard on yourself. Maybe if you were caught up in thinking about what day it was, you wouldn't have been paying attention to what your Aunt said, and how she said it. You may very well have missed that "hug" from your Mom.... Either way, I hope you're feeling better.

LOVED the tea party!! Can I come to the next one????

I also thought it was just great that Liana said "we" adopted from Ukraine and very interesting to read how they interacted with thier baby cousin. I'm sure it had to be hard for you, but if they are talking about it that speaks volumes for the security they feel in your loving family.

Thanks again for sharing so much of your private life with me (and all of us). I just wish you had an idea of how much of an inspiration you are to me!!


Anonymous said...

What fun!!!! All three kids look SO happy. The girls look simply gorgeous all dolled up and Adam DOES like quite dapper!!! ;-) Ruth from the ttc adoption db

Anonymous said...

Shelly!!!! All three kids are gorgeous but I have to say Little Aleksa in that dress, wow she is just beautiful!
Best Wishes to you Shelly, keep your head up, you are a wonderful person and you are helping so many! If you are handing out turkey directions, don't forget me! I'm gearing up to fundraise for my first Ukrainian Adoption:)
