Saturday, March 04, 2006

Good Night Jim Bob!

Can't go to bed quite yet. My mind is full of kid-thoughts. Not really sure what I'm going to write, but I guess I just gotta post something!

Today was one of those "day in the life" kind of days. Nothing at all extraordinary happened today. In fact, if I sit back and look at the things we did today, I'd say it was rather a boring day. Know what? Strike that. It was perfect.

Aside from our Saturday trip to the library, we pretty much just stayed home and enjoyed being "us." Well, except for John (poor guy!) He's been swamped with work and extra projects lately, so he was stuck sitting at the computer all day long trying to cross things off that to-do list. He even skipped out of the library run. *gasp!* So, I guess the day wasn't completely perfect since he couldn't fully participate. :O(

Anyway, as for the rest of us, we basically just lounged around. We all seemed to gravitate toward wherever the rest of us were, so we all found ourselves in our room (where John was working), and the kids and I tickled, and snuggled, and chatted, and wrestled. Other than Liana finding one of my very few tickle spots, it was a stress-free kind of a day. It was the kind of day where I go to bed completely Knowing that I am blessed, blessed, blessed and absolutely thrilled to be a mom.

I grew up an only child. Sure, I have six siblings, but they were up and out of the house by the time I could really remember much. Whenever they came home, I loved the fact that the house made noise. I knew I'd have lots of kids when I grew up. It really was Devastation when I realized I couldn't physically have any. After a day like today I think, "OK, I've got three, this is easy, let's go get some more!" (I really need to check out some Waltons dvd's from the library... maybe that will inspire John to want to go get some more kiddos somewhere!) JUST KIDDING! Kinda. ;O) Anyway, though we only do have three kids, it definitely was a "Good night John Boy" kind of a day. Thank you, God, for my family!


Anonymous said...

More Kids???

Get that dossier together NOW- by the time you're done, Ukraine will have come to it's senses and we can all travel together!!

aaaah, it's a nice thought, isn't it.

Whatever you chose to do, you're a great Mom, Shelly!!

xo Lisa S.

Anonymous said...

Well, Lisa, I'm not sure whether we'll ever have any more little ones or not, but just so you know, I'm sure praying for you and many others who are in the middle of their adoptions not having a clue what Ukraine is going to up and decide to do. Can't even imagine how difficult these last months have been for you... big hugs to you, my friend...
