Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Helen Keller Movie

We watched a video the other night... it was "The Miracle Worker" with Hallie Kate Eisenberg as Helen Keller. If you haven't seen it, and are planning to adopt, RUN OUT AND GET IT. As I watched it, my heart actually started racing as I had flashbacks of when the kids first came home. Almost a panic-type of a heart-racing. I looked over at John and without me asking him, he said something like, "Yes, it reminds me of that too." The movie really illustrates what an unattached child "looks" like - especially the first days/weeks home. If I have any advice for y'all, it would be to watch this movie with your spouse, and then afterwards, talk out (at GREAT LENGTH) what YOU would do to parent such a child if he/she were in your home. How would you deal with it if your child did some of the things Helen did in the show? What lengths would you go to to make the child "well?" Helen's teacher went to great - even ENORMOUS lengths to help her. What are you willing to do?

The story has a happy ending. It was so touching, and hit home soooo hard, that John had tears dripping off his chin. I was choked up too. Our kids weren't *quite* as horrible as Helen, but when you multiply what each of our kids had times three... well, we were having Flashbacks Like Crazy at the many times we felt as overwhelmed with the strong wills of our kiddos.

Go rent it. I'm tellin' ya, you'll have a clue what those first weeks home will be like, and by making your game plan now, you'll save yourselves some Excederin. Ok, you might need some anyhow. ;O)


Anonymous said...

My name is Bridget and I was wondering if you would allow me to post your blog url to my own blog. I am inspired by your journey not only into adoption but also into motherhood. You can check out my blog if you wish before you give the approval to post your website. I have alot of friends that check out my blog and some of them are beginning the adoption journey. I feel it would also inspire them to read your blog. I haven't even finished reading yours yet. I have been reading it daily with my free time for the past week. God bless you! Oh what kind of religion are you if I may ask. We are Baptist and Christians. It sounded like you were also by your posts so that is why I am asking. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bridget! Sure, link me up! ;O) It's so weird... every time I get to thinking there must not be anyone reading this thing anymore, and wonder if I should even keep this blog going, I get an email or a comment that proves otherwise. I have absolutely no clue who is still out there reading this thing anymore! Thanks for coming out of Lurkdom to say hello.

Btw, yes, we are Baptists too; great guess! ;O)

Off to check out a new blog now! Thanks for the link! :O)

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, I still read your blog. It is still the first site I pull up whenever I go online. You make me smile again with each new post!


Anonymous said...

Missy! I think about you all the time! I'd love it if you'd email me and fill me in on what's up with you! Wouldja, couldja?

Anonymous said...

Shelly, I am also still reading. I especially like the pictures to share with our girls. We really need to plan an outing this spring.....the girls are always asking about Adam.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Shelly! And I can't wait to read all of your blog. It takes a while because it was all the way in 2004. I am working on it though. What did you thihk of my blog?

Marnie said...

I'm still reading too! I always enjoy catching up on your family's doings. Keep up the good work.

- Dancing Princess Marina

Anonymous said...

Shelly, I still read your blog as well. I check it everyday to see if you've posted. Let us know when you do you shoes and undies thing again. We'll definitely contribute again. Oh, and I saw The Miracle Worker when I was younger. I loved that movie. It really was quite moving. I wish your family well and give those kiddos a great big hug.

Katie from the ttc boards

Anonymous said...

Wow! Hi everyone! Thanks for commenting/emailing me to say you're still out there! Do any of you guys have blogs yourselves? These onesided relationships get rather, um, onesided! ;O)

Brenda, YES, we definitely do need to get together again! Are you going to the Dells reunion? I've been dropping hints to John about it, but it ain't looking good. Last year we talked about maybe going camping somewhere... Maybe if we stuck it on the calendar NOW it would actually happen. Our crew would L-O-V-E it.

Lemme see, Bridget, sure I liked your blog. I felt bad for you that you are still stuck in TTC land though. Not a fun place to be!

Dancing Princess Marina, Holly, Missy, Katie, DJ, thanks for droppng in to say hello! (DJ, I left a message for you on the adoption board. Finally noticed it yesterday).

Now that I know I'm not talkin' to myself, *sniff*, maybe I'll try to post more often. ;O)

Marnie said...

(I sort of have a blog, but not "that kind of a blog," with regular posts and a group of faithful readers who leave comments. Mine is a record of some little "field trips" I take around Toronto. Anyone here is certainly welcome to read it, but I doubt it would be very interesting unless you live in Toronto, and I haven't updated it forEVER. Soon, though, now that spring has arrived!)

Anonymous said...

Shelly, you will always have a faithful following for your blog, because you will continue to inspire regular people with big hearts to chose adoption as a first choice! The amount of reflection, prayer and understanding I have done and come to have since finding your blog is incredible. Your blog shows the 'realism of being an adoptive mom to older adopted children'(which has certainly helped me recently) and very few blogs do that. You use humour throughout your blogs and I can not see how anyone who takes the time to read, can not feel that inspiration to adopt! You are an inspiration and will continue to be, I am sure for many many families.
Best wishes always to you, John and the kids!
I am always waiting for the next entry :-)

Anonymous said...

Holly, that was sooo incredibly sweet. Thank you so much... you made my day!

Missy said...

Dear Shelly,
I do have a blog. It was started as an adoption blog...savings and such, but it has become more of a "what's happening with Missy" blog now. I am still saving money for my adoption. But other things have been on my mind. And like you know, what's on your mind is usually what ends up in your blog! But I don't mind sharing!