Sunday, April 23, 2006

Bad Papas

I have to tell you all about what happened at McDonalds the other day. We were all sitting in a booth directly across from (and almost uncomfortably close to) another one with a man and his maybe 4yo little girl. The little girl started whining horribly that she wanted more chicken nuggets, and the dad kept saying, "no." Well, she kept it up until finally the dad had enough... and he got up, said, "Ok, fine," and went and bought her what she wanted. !.

John and I shot some raised eyebrows at each other, but Liana broke our silence. She couldn't believe it either, evidently, because very bewildered-like, she said, "That papa is going to buy her chicken nuggets! She made her papa buy her chicken nuggets!" She was shocked, shocked, shocked. I asked her, "Liana, what did he just teach that little girl?" And she very wisely said, "To whine some more whenever she wants something."


I was sooooo proud of her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm pretty impressed that she realized that father was setting a bad precedent. Seems her parents must have taught her that whining doesn't get her anywhere. Good for you! ;-) Ruth