Monday, March 03, 2008

Liana Zingers

It's funny I can go weeks without thinking of a thing to post, and then bam! I have a morning like this where I actually have TWO things to tell you!

First was yesterday... We were all sitting quietly at church, Liana and Aleksa were curled up next to me listening to the Pastor... Then Liana whispered over to me, "Mama?"

I asked her what she wanted.

"Did Abrielle throw up on you this morning?"

"Uh, no..." I said, "Why?"

"Because you smell like it."

Nice. Leave it to Liana to tell me what's what. lol! I thought about being self-conscious about it, but I thought it was too hysterical to be ruffled over. Plus I was trying too hard to hold back a great big guffaw. I'll just maybe remember to douse myself with a little more perfume next time... *wink*

Ok, then this morning, she sprung another one on me. During school time (we're actually still in full-swing right now but I HAVE to blog this before I forget to...) Liana was going through our library book basket looking for something to read. She pulled out one that she'd already read yesterday afternoon and said, "Oh, Mama, this was a good one!" I looked at the title, not having remembered it coming home with us on Saturday's library run. It was "Romeo and Juliet" for junior age readers.

"Oh, brother," I thought, "like she really read the whole thing yesterday." (It was kind of lengthy and difficult-looking.) I asked her if she *realllllly* read it, or just enjoyed the pictures.

"I did too read it, Mama!" she said. "It's about Roma and Julia. They loved each other, and then they died, happily ever after."

After I quit laughing I decided to quit arguing with her. ;O)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Out of the mouth of babes! So cute!!! Kids just kind of tell it like it is, don't they. Happily ever after....interesting.

Love you,