Monday, January 31, 2011

Adam's Kitchen

I think I mentioned that Adam (16!), cleaned my kitchen for me the other morning... This is him in the middle of his hard work. Saturday morning he had emptied the dishwasher, scrubbed the kitchen floor, set the breakfast table, and started breakfast, all before any of the rest of us woke up. If there's one thing I don't regret in raising my crew, it's that kids CAN be taught that hard work is fun, and serving others is a joy, and that they can learn early and well how to cook and clean. I am sooooo reaping the benefits of that right now... especially since I've been in the thick of morning sickness with two busy littles running/crawling around. The older crew has been a lifesaver for me in many ways, and they are all great helpers.

1 comment:

~katie~ said...

Talk about melting a mama's heart!! Way to go, Adam! :-)