Tuesday, October 18, 2005

14 Months Home!

Sunday we had a monumental day. All three of our kids went off to another family's house for the afternoon. After church, they loaded up in their van and off they went for the day. They were So Excited. This family has 11 kids. So, our kids were beside-themselves excited to get to hang out with all these other children for the day. They were so excited, in fact, that they bolted for the door after church, and never said good bye to their Mama. I cried. *sniff* I realized the girls forgot their coats, so I did have a reason to go to the van before it left, but *sigh*, well, you know!

John took me out for dinner while the kids were off with their pals, but other than that, we had the quietest Sunday afternoon that we've had since before our kids came home. I even got to take a nap! That is just plain unheard of these days at the Fisher house.

Yesterday during school, Liana was frustrated that her handwriting wasn't as beautiful as she thought it should be. She erased, and wrote, and erased some more. Finally, in exasperation, she said, "Mama, I am sooo disgusting!"

Another fun language "oops" was when Aleksa showed John that her fingernail was getting long, "Look, Papa, my nail is growing up!" She's also very proud of her age. If she accomplishes something monumental, she'll say something like, "Five girls know how to do that!" She's been surprising us with rattling off some math facts that her big brother and sister have been working on. By the time she actually gets there herself, she's going to already know it all! I'm beginning to see the benefits of those old-fashioned one-room school-houses!

Speaking of school, we're learning all about Ancient Egypt right now in history class, and Liana out of the blue yesterday told John that "King Tutankamen's father's tomb hasn't been found yet." She's quite proud that she can say (and remember!) his name (whether I can spell it or not is another question!) So, she throws it around as often as she can lately. We've been enjoying scouring the library looking at mummy books and videos, etc. The kids were delighted yesterday to find a book called, "You Wouldn't Want to Be an Egyptian Mummy: Disgusting Things You'd Rather Not Know." They made me start reading that one in the car on the way home! It's been a really fun year so far!

Adam is still our sweetie, Adam. Big-hearted, affection-seeking, always wanting to please, happy-go-lucky. Bouncy though! ;O) He's faithful to his projects - he'll work til the job is done, and then some. He's the first one up, showered, dressed, bed made, room picked-up, etc. He's ready for the day in no time flat. The girls, on the other hand, have to be reminded that they are in the middle of getting dressed sometimes. I've been known to peek in the room to see a half-naked Aleksa playing dollies instead of getting dressed. She forgets. !. (Liana doesn't necessarily forget - she's just too busy having a good time to care about something silly like getting clothes on for the day!)

Just tonight Adam begged to be able to be the one to do dishes. "Liana got to do them last time!" (I wonder how long that is going to last!)

He loves any scrap of praise we'll throw his way, and we try to reward him accordingly. Just today he did a great job doing something or other, while his sisters were off in La-La-Land forgetting all about their assigned tasks. The girls were horrified that I rewarded him with a bag of Peanut M&M's! Liana decided to rearrange her bedroom to see if that warranted a bag of candy for herself. It didn't, but it did get her room arranged pretty well. (I'm so mean, aren't I?) This girl where she doesn't have muscles, but she makes up for it in attitude. She's not strong enough to move her doll-house, but she decided it was going to move, and move it did! lol!

Oh yeah, and yesterday marked our 14 Month Home day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi SHelly, I am an anonymous admirer of your blog, I even have a link to it on my web page! I love it and I admire you and your children. Reading about your family's adventure brightens up my heart and gives me hope for when we get to go to Ukraine to find our angel(s). Keep it up and congratulations on 14 months of wonderful job with those kids!