Friday, October 07, 2005

Misc stuff

What a busy last month! I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

School is going well. Our routine is pretty set, though we have some rough starts some mornings! I have to gush about Aleksa. She's putting up all the calendar numbers now! I'm *SOOOOO* impressed with my little girl! She sorts through the 31 numbers, finds the appropriate one for the day, and puts them in the right spot! AND, today she read her first word! I had wanted to wait to do Kindergarten with her next year, but she's really seeming like she's getting ready, so we'll wait a few more months for her hands to gain some strength and coordination and we'll probably start Kindergarten in January. We've been reading a book for her Pre-K stuff called "People" which she absolutely loves. I pointed out to her today that we were almost to the end of it (we only read a few pages every few days or so), and she got upset and said, "Mama, I don't want that book to be empty!" (Speaking of funny ways of saying things, the other day she told us that her "handle-stick" on her apple fell off.) And another funny thing she said was actually at supper tonight. John was serving her veggies, and she said, "Choot-choot, Papa." Out of the clear blue sky, she spoke Russian to him. I almost fell over. ("choot-choot" means "a little bit")

I've been trying to convince Liana to let me snip off her hair. It's getting scraggly and yucky. It's so much cuter cut just past her chin. Looks fuller and healthier. But, well, you know Liana! It's gotta be her idea! LOL She and I have been really tight lately. She's extra-cuddly and clingy, and loooooves to help me out with whatever I'm doing. She's a honey.

Adam is still plugging away at those math-facts. Reading is clipping along really well. He can pick up books and start reading - but he has to be convinced that he CAN do it. He hasn't fully realized his capabilities yet. Still easier to have Mama read it to him... Gotta get some confidence built up in him. It truly amazes me how much he as learned in one year. That goes with all three, of course, but I need to keep reminding myself of that with Adam so I don't get discouraged about how much farther he has yet to go in order to be "caught up."

Speaking of school... I'm taking a scrap-quilting class! All by myself without any kiddos tagging along even. It just started this week, and I am really excited about it. Need some "me" time, and some way to get those creative juices flowing somehow.

John and I even had a date this month! We haven't gone out since March or so. It might have even been Valentine's Day. Not sure. We've been Long overdue, that's all I know!

Way past my bedtime, so off I go. Have a great weekend everyone!

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