Friday, October 28, 2005

Aleksa's Lunchtime Prayer

I have to share Aleksa's prayer at lunchtime. "Dear Lord, fank-you for diss food, and please, Lord, please, when we find a hair in our supper, please let us be quiet and frow it on da floor and not be bad. Amen."


Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to read your blog in a while and this entry was worth the wait. I thought I was the only one who enjoyed the sound of "fank you." My other favorites are "vindow" "when is my Happy Birthday?" "when is Merry Christmas?" and "can I cartoons pullease?" We may have missed their first words but we still get to enjoy them learning to speak. Its even cuter with an Eastern European accent. Susan, mom to Natasha and Nicolai, adopted from Volodarka, Ukraine, 4/20/05.

Anonymous said...

Susan! I couldn't agree more with you about that! I've loved every minute of hearing their phrases corrupted by their newness to the language, or thick accent. I'm sure I'd have gone ga-ga over hearing a bio-baby learn to talk, but like you said, that E.E. accent sure bumps up the cuteness, as well as the awe they have in learning about their new world. I'll never forget the look on Adam's face when I told him we could drink the tap water here. Or Liana telling me that her "put-your-socks-on" were dirty. Just the other day Aleksa was telling me about "falling awake." I hope I never forget all the cute and wonderful things they've said and done since they've come home... This time is much too short!