Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lost teeth!

This poor blog. I've been so neglectful of it lately. But, I've been hitting the pillow *hard* lately, and haven't had much time during the day to be on the computer.

It's actually been an eventful few days. Aleksa lost her first tooth the other day, and Liana lost her first upper tooth just yesterday. For some reason Liana's upper tooth hit me the hardest. Now she LOOKS like she's lost teeth. No longer that little kid look. And her other front tooth is loose too, so it won't be long before she really looks funny. She's so excited though! I'm shocked that my five-yr-old is losing teeth. Her other lower front tooth is loose too. Not sure what's up with that!

Aleksa's lost lower tooth just accentuates her little lisp. It isn't a *bad* lisp, it's just that she says her s's a little differently, and now you can really see that tongue hitting those lower teeth as she talks. The lost tooth just made her cuter, I think! (I'm a little biased though!) We took video of the "pullings" but, I'll have to take some pictures of the girls with their new smiles.

I can't help, at times like these, to think of the kids' birth parents. I hear of other moms whose babies are GETTING their teeth, and here I am with my "brand new kids" getting all proud that mine are LOSING theirs. First, I think about how much I have lost by not having had these three since birth. Then I think about what their birth parents have lost by not having the ability to raise them. And then to think of what the KIDS have lost. Adoption is a wonderful thing, but unfortunately it is created by a circle of losses, and the birth family loses BIG TIME.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The tooth fairy is busy at your house! And yes there are many losses in adoption, but I think the gains far outweigh the losses. Just look at your precious three- 'nuf said?!? Thanks again for sharing your family... Jo from the ttc adoption board