Friday, October 28, 2005

Aleksa's Lunchtime Prayer

I have to share Aleksa's prayer at lunchtime. "Dear Lord, fank-you for diss food, and please, Lord, please, when we find a hair in our supper, please let us be quiet and frow it on da floor and not be bad. Amen."

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


The other day I stumbled upon a list of names that we were considering for "our kids" before we went to Ukraine. Liana was in the room when I found it, and she asked me to read them to her. The list also had the name meanings on it, and she was tickled to see her own name at the top of the "Girls" list. I was happy to tell her that her name meant "My God has answered me" and then with her middle name it meant "with a Valentine." She instantly said, "YES, He DID answer me with a Valentine! YOU!" I hadn't considered that she'd think it meant that God had answered her too! I instantly teared up, and we had a big ol' hug-fest right there on the spot. What a sweetie!

Then, Liana insisted that we show her brother and sister the list, and showed them what their names meant. (Though Aleksandra's name was in the boy column, because I had figured we'd have two boys, and have an Adam and an Aleksander.) Anyway, when I told Adam his name meant, "Man who is like God" he just beamed. Then Aleksa asked what her name meant. It means "Defender of Mankind" (and then her middle name has to do with the Greek God Zeus.) Anyway, when she heard her own name meaning, she grimaced and said, "Mama, can we pick something different?"

Lol. Nope! (Poor Girl!)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

14 Months Home!

Sunday we had a monumental day. All three of our kids went off to another family's house for the afternoon. After church, they loaded up in their van and off they went for the day. They were So Excited. This family has 11 kids. So, our kids were beside-themselves excited to get to hang out with all these other children for the day. They were so excited, in fact, that they bolted for the door after church, and never said good bye to their Mama. I cried. *sniff* I realized the girls forgot their coats, so I did have a reason to go to the van before it left, but *sigh*, well, you know!

John took me out for dinner while the kids were off with their pals, but other than that, we had the quietest Sunday afternoon that we've had since before our kids came home. I even got to take a nap! That is just plain unheard of these days at the Fisher house.

Yesterday during school, Liana was frustrated that her handwriting wasn't as beautiful as she thought it should be. She erased, and wrote, and erased some more. Finally, in exasperation, she said, "Mama, I am sooo disgusting!"

Another fun language "oops" was when Aleksa showed John that her fingernail was getting long, "Look, Papa, my nail is growing up!" She's also very proud of her age. If she accomplishes something monumental, she'll say something like, "Five girls know how to do that!" She's been surprising us with rattling off some math facts that her big brother and sister have been working on. By the time she actually gets there herself, she's going to already know it all! I'm beginning to see the benefits of those old-fashioned one-room school-houses!

Speaking of school, we're learning all about Ancient Egypt right now in history class, and Liana out of the blue yesterday told John that "King Tutankamen's father's tomb hasn't been found yet." She's quite proud that she can say (and remember!) his name (whether I can spell it or not is another question!) So, she throws it around as often as she can lately. We've been enjoying scouring the library looking at mummy books and videos, etc. The kids were delighted yesterday to find a book called, "You Wouldn't Want to Be an Egyptian Mummy: Disgusting Things You'd Rather Not Know." They made me start reading that one in the car on the way home! It's been a really fun year so far!

Adam is still our sweetie, Adam. Big-hearted, affection-seeking, always wanting to please, happy-go-lucky. Bouncy though! ;O) He's faithful to his projects - he'll work til the job is done, and then some. He's the first one up, showered, dressed, bed made, room picked-up, etc. He's ready for the day in no time flat. The girls, on the other hand, have to be reminded that they are in the middle of getting dressed sometimes. I've been known to peek in the room to see a half-naked Aleksa playing dollies instead of getting dressed. She forgets. !. (Liana doesn't necessarily forget - she's just too busy having a good time to care about something silly like getting clothes on for the day!)

Just tonight Adam begged to be able to be the one to do dishes. "Liana got to do them last time!" (I wonder how long that is going to last!)

He loves any scrap of praise we'll throw his way, and we try to reward him accordingly. Just today he did a great job doing something or other, while his sisters were off in La-La-Land forgetting all about their assigned tasks. The girls were horrified that I rewarded him with a bag of Peanut M&M's! Liana decided to rearrange her bedroom to see if that warranted a bag of candy for herself. It didn't, but it did get her room arranged pretty well. (I'm so mean, aren't I?) This girl where she doesn't have muscles, but she makes up for it in attitude. She's not strong enough to move her doll-house, but she decided it was going to move, and move it did! lol!

Oh yeah, and yesterday marked our 14 Month Home day!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lost teeth!

This poor blog. I've been so neglectful of it lately. But, I've been hitting the pillow *hard* lately, and haven't had much time during the day to be on the computer.

It's actually been an eventful few days. Aleksa lost her first tooth the other day, and Liana lost her first upper tooth just yesterday. For some reason Liana's upper tooth hit me the hardest. Now she LOOKS like she's lost teeth. No longer that little kid look. And her other front tooth is loose too, so it won't be long before she really looks funny. She's so excited though! I'm shocked that my five-yr-old is losing teeth. Her other lower front tooth is loose too. Not sure what's up with that!

Aleksa's lost lower tooth just accentuates her little lisp. It isn't a *bad* lisp, it's just that she says her s's a little differently, and now you can really see that tongue hitting those lower teeth as she talks. The lost tooth just made her cuter, I think! (I'm a little biased though!) We took video of the "pullings" but, I'll have to take some pictures of the girls with their new smiles.

I can't help, at times like these, to think of the kids' birth parents. I hear of other moms whose babies are GETTING their teeth, and here I am with my "brand new kids" getting all proud that mine are LOSING theirs. First, I think about how much I have lost by not having had these three since birth. Then I think about what their birth parents have lost by not having the ability to raise them. And then to think of what the KIDS have lost. Adoption is a wonderful thing, but unfortunately it is created by a circle of losses, and the birth family loses BIG TIME.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Just a short little whatzit this morning. At the breakfast table, I happen to mention to Leks that most people in America say her name with the /a/'s as is "Ann" and minus the trilled /r/. Every time I call her by her full name, I always say it the Russian way, which sounds like the short /o/, with the trilled /r/. So, it's something like "O-lek-sonn-drra." (The actual Ukrainian spelling is "Oleksandra.")

Anyway, when I told her that, she made a horrific grimace, and then started pretend-gagging. I cracked up. She's never been called Aleksandra by anyone but me, so that's the only way she's ever heard her name (the RIGHT way!) ;O) She tried to say it the American way, and could manage the short "a's", but insisted on keeping the trilled "r." She just couldn't bring herself to Americanize it fully. lol! (Of course, her little accent still keeps that trilled "r" a lot of the time anyway, but I thought it was funny that she wouldn't even try it.)

That's all. I had to write that down somewhere so I wouldn't forget it.

Misc stuff

What a busy last month! I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

School is going well. Our routine is pretty set, though we have some rough starts some mornings! I have to gush about Aleksa. She's putting up all the calendar numbers now! I'm *SOOOOO* impressed with my little girl! She sorts through the 31 numbers, finds the appropriate one for the day, and puts them in the right spot! AND, today she read her first word! I had wanted to wait to do Kindergarten with her next year, but she's really seeming like she's getting ready, so we'll wait a few more months for her hands to gain some strength and coordination and we'll probably start Kindergarten in January. We've been reading a book for her Pre-K stuff called "People" which she absolutely loves. I pointed out to her today that we were almost to the end of it (we only read a few pages every few days or so), and she got upset and said, "Mama, I don't want that book to be empty!" (Speaking of funny ways of saying things, the other day she told us that her "handle-stick" on her apple fell off.) And another funny thing she said was actually at supper tonight. John was serving her veggies, and she said, "Choot-choot, Papa." Out of the clear blue sky, she spoke Russian to him. I almost fell over. ("choot-choot" means "a little bit")

I've been trying to convince Liana to let me snip off her hair. It's getting scraggly and yucky. It's so much cuter cut just past her chin. Looks fuller and healthier. But, well, you know Liana! It's gotta be her idea! LOL She and I have been really tight lately. She's extra-cuddly and clingy, and loooooves to help me out with whatever I'm doing. She's a honey.

Adam is still plugging away at those math-facts. Reading is clipping along really well. He can pick up books and start reading - but he has to be convinced that he CAN do it. He hasn't fully realized his capabilities yet. Still easier to have Mama read it to him... Gotta get some confidence built up in him. It truly amazes me how much he as learned in one year. That goes with all three, of course, but I need to keep reminding myself of that with Adam so I don't get discouraged about how much farther he has yet to go in order to be "caught up."

Speaking of school... I'm taking a scrap-quilting class! All by myself without any kiddos tagging along even. It just started this week, and I am really excited about it. Need some "me" time, and some way to get those creative juices flowing somehow.

John and I even had a date this month! We haven't gone out since March or so. It might have even been Valentine's Day. Not sure. We've been Long overdue, that's all I know!

Way past my bedtime, so off I go. Have a great weekend everyone!