Thursday, October 04, 2007

Snack-time Issues

Well, I think the baby stuff is getting squared away. Finally! Just a few more things to do (Still need a dresser up there), and we'll be all set for Little Fish's arrival.

My dad has been in the hospital this week - been pretty stressful over here. He's ok, but it's rough to be so far away sometimes. Sniff, sniff.

Snack-time is an issue around here. If the kids see me eating something, they deserve it too you know. Even if they have something even yummier awaiting them, they still need what I've got. Drives me BATTY because I CAN'T have theirs, and now I have to feed them MY snacks, some of which are rather expensive. Yes, I have been saying no to them. Not always, but I have. And yes, we've had bad attitudes about it at times.

None of my kids are real "pudding" eaters. They just don't like it. So, I figured if I had some for my snacks, it wouldn't be an issue. Liana informed me that when pudding comes in a plastic cup from the store, that it tastes different, and that she likes those. (What. Ever.)

The other day we made two apple pies. (Early, for those of you who know we usually do that on Columbus Day). The kids still ate up all the peelings and cores. Fine. I half-expected them to. It's kind of a tradition by now, right? But after we were finished, I sat down with my snack of cottage cheese and cherries (How 'bout that, those frozen cherries have come in handy!), and of COURSE the kids were instantly starving. Starving for cottage cheese and cherries. Even though they had JUST finished off the cores and peels of at least 16 apples. Very frustrating to this mama. There is just plain no way they were starving for anything. They just didn't like that I had something that they didn't.

I just cannot comprehend the hunger these kids have known... Very hard for me to wrap my mind around.


Missy said...

The grass is always greener, huh? Poor Shelly! I'm so sorry you have to have all the "special" snacks that your kids are dying for! That came out wrong...Not much longer. Did I tell you that your due date is Bill's birthday? Pretty cool, huh?

Calico Sky said...

Oh Shelly, that post reminded me of my little ones - same thing. I always wonder if it will be lifelong or eventually they'll be at peace.
You enjoy those snacks!

Tami said...

It's so sad to watch our kids have to wade through these leftover issues...isn't it?
Our kids were all younger when adopted (under 2) so I'm not sure if it works the same way with older kids or not.
Q-ball, Punky and JacJac used to have a really hard time knowing when they were full. They would eat and eat and eat until we thought they would explode. We ended up just taking the food and drinks away...the result, of course, were massive meltdowns.
Finally Meshack and I decided to just let the kids eat all they wanted, at any time. We left healthy snacks on the tables and juice cups full of milk or juice at the ready. They had access to it any time.
After a few upset stomachs and a couple of upchucking episodes they finally started to understand what it felt like to be full...and finally (thank goodness) began to self regulate.
I'm sure it's not that simple with older adoptees, but I am saying this in hopes of encouraging you that it may get better in the future. It takes time to get over these leftover issues.
You're doing great Mom! Keep up the great work!
And enjoy the cottage cheese and cherries...that sounds really good! ;)