Friday, June 13, 2008

Eleventh Hour

Talk about the "Eleventh Hour..." We're moving tomorrow, right? Well, we were going to close on the house on Tuesday. Then the bank says, "how 'bout tomorrow instead?" And then, "How 'bout Thursday?" Then this morning we finally heard that our docs were done and that we could close today. Horray! This was at 9:30 am, so we thought, "Surely by 1'ish we'll be closing and then we can go bring some stuff to the house, etc.

Well, we got the final call at SEVEN THIRTY PM.

All day long we were praying that we could please, pretty please still move tomorrow... Afterall, I was packing the silverware. And our clothes. And dishes. And... everything! I had visions of living in a hotel room until we changed banks and redid everything because of "our" bank's incompetancy. And it is a nationally-known bank. We thought we'd be ok. Been on the verge of throwing up for the last few days, and definitely haven't been very fun to be around, let me just say!

Thankfully that part is over though, and we can actually move in tomorrow. So excited to be setting down some roots!


Anonymous said...

Praise God!!!
We had been praying along with you. So thankful that you were able to have your closing in time for your move tomorrow. So thankful!

Love you,

Ruth said...

Hope the move goes well today! So sorry the closing proved to be soooo stressful but glad it happened in the nick of time!!!

Anonymous said...

thinking of you :) hoping your move is going smoothly.
