Monday, June 30, 2008

Dad update

Back. I've been back in my hometown since Wednesday... Stayed the night with Dad at the hospital, and kept telling him to hold on 'til midnight when it would be his birthday. (He'd been wanting to hit 80 for the last ten years!) I started at six o'clock saying "Ok, Dad, you've got six more hours. Six! You hear that? You hold on!"

Dad did hang on.

He hung on through the night, and the next morning, they released him to go home. The whole family came home to have a big birthday bash for him. I mean Big. There are seven of us kids you know. ;o) And grandchildren comin' out your ears. :o)

We sang "Happy Birthday" to him, gave him balloons, etc. And we were able to talk to him. While he couldn't speak back to us, we do know he was listening and understanding everything. For example, I was sitting next to his bed and said, "Don't worry Dad, I'll take care of that John for ya." (John my brother, who has been Dad's right-hand-man for the past several years). Dad grunted. :o) And seeing that he was "in there," I added, "Do ya think there'll be coyotes in heaven Dad?" (He's been hoping to get a shot at one for several years now.) He grunted again. :o) After that, I had the chance to really say goodbye to him, tell him I loved him, thank him for being such a great dad to me, etc. What a blessing. I never got that with Mom. I think we all got that opportunity.

Dad made it until shortly after midnight. God let him enjoy every second of his 80th birthday. :o) As he took his final breaths, he kept saying, "I'm free... I'm free.. I'm free... I'm free..." And then he died. What a comfort to us all to know he knew the Lord Jesus as his Savior, and trusted him alone for his salvation... There is no doubt where he is right now.

Sunday the family gathered to start cleaning out Dad's house. Which was also Mom's house, so it was a double-grief of sorts, as we had to say good-bye to her all over again too. That was by far the worst day ever. Seven kids have seven personalities, and well, uh. Yeah. ;o)

Today (Monday) was the funeral. He had military honors, (Dad had been in the Navy as a young man), and the flowers matched the flag. It was gorgeous.

After the meal, John and I drove back into the cemetery for a last goodbye, and I saw that one of my siblings had beat me there... They had written "I love you, Dad" in the dirt on his grave...

Thank you so much, everyone, for the condolences... it means a lot.


Joanna said...

Praise the Lord that your dad got to enjoy his 80th birthday~a goal of sorts for him! Isn't our God so compassionate and caring, that He even grants the "little" things that maybe aren't our needs, but our desires. What a great God we serve! I'm so glad you got to say goodbye to him properly too. That makes such a difference!

Praying for you as you grieve him, and as you all sort through the "aftermath".

Rachel said...

I'm glad your dad got to spend his 80th surrounded by his loved ones. And I am glad you got to say goodbye to him in your own way. Even though I don't know you or your family, please know someone in San Francisco is thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Shelly, I have been praying and thinking of you all all week. I am glad your famiy was able to celebrate 80 years of life with your dad....what a wonderful memory for all. I do not know how people continue without knowing Jesus Christ and having the confidence that this is not goodbye but so all will be toghether again!! PTL I love ya Shelly!


Anonymous said...

I am so sad for you right now, but so happy your mom and dad are together and neither one in pain. I'm sure your dad will get his coyote, if he hasn't already. What a wonderful legacy he left~your siblings, you and your wonderful family. He made it to 80! So much to celebrate in such a time as this.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad he passed peacefully. I know your heart is still broken though and I hope it all goes well sorting through your parent's things. Bless you and your family!

Marnie said...

I'm thinking of you all as you deal with your loss. What a fine last birthday for your father to enjoy with his family!

vodkamartini said...


I'm so glad that in the end, your Dad got to celebrate that special birthday and that you all had a chance to say your goodbyes.

Praying for you and your family for peace and comfort.


MomOfSix said...

What a beautiful story of your last day with your dad. Thank you so much for sharing that. My heart goes out to you and your family in this difficult time. Be at peace knowing where he is and that you will see him again one day.
God Bless You and Your Family.
Angela and the entire Abella family

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelly, I'm so sorry. I'm just catching up with your news after a blogging hiatus!
God sure did give him a special Birthday.
Thinking of you lots and lots,

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Shelly. I've been reading, just not saying much lately. It's very comforting to know that you all have so much peace surrounding your father and got to spend that last little time with him. I can't tell you what it means to read that he was saying "I'm Free" as he took his last breath. How beautiful!