Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

I love being a mom on my birthday...

Woke up with shrieks from the kids to "go back to bed!" - So. I did. :o)

When I *HAD* to get up and get Abby changed and bathed, etc., I poked my nose out, asked for permission to leave my room, and was escorted to the nursery and then bathroom. I was NOT to peek in the kitchen or livingroom. Okie dokie. After that, they walked me back to my room, where my bed had been made for me, pillows fluffed, etc. I got breakfast in bed, a la Adam. Eggs. (*note to self: Adam needs more egg-makin' lessons... these were rather blackened) Liana made the coffee. While I ate, the kids put on a puppet show for me.

I also got to open presents from the kids... three homemade crowns (had to alternate wearing them.), and lots 'o crayon drawings, folded up and sealed with at LEAST three rolls of packing tape. lol!

Then, after breakfast, I was escorted down the hall to the kitchen, where my kids wowed me with their cleaning capabilities. My kitchen, which was trashed last night, was spotless. Floors done, dishwasher running, counters washed. Liana and Aleksa the whirlwinds struck while Adam cooked up breakfast... (it sure pays off in the longrun to teach your kids how to clean!)

And THEN, in the middle of all the festivities, my brother called to wish me a happy birthday and to tell me that he is BUYING MY PARENTS' HOUSE!!!! Talk about a happy Shelly!!!

Then, last night, when John got home, he surprised me with a firepit! A perty one! And! He bought me a DQ ice cream cake! (I mentioned that I didn't feel like making a cake when I had leftover cupcakes my sister brought me Saturday). And! He bought me candles for the cake! And! He bought me a wireless router for Dad's computer (which he had left to me) so I can get it all hooked up to the internet. And! No blenders or vacuum cleaners or whatevers! Talk about comin' through! :o)

We had been planning on going to the park for a picnic, but since I had a firepit and an ice cream cake, I wanted to stay home. We had SUCH a fun night of gathering sticks and burning sticks, and eating bagel sandwiches, and feeding the baby ice cream cake, and having everyone getting sticky from cake and sweat and smellin' like smoke, and needing showers/baths because of it, and taking turns on the rope swing, and watching Abby in her swing, and sitting on our park bench, and enjoying the beautiful weather, and, and, and, and....

Very nice day. Loved every minute.

PS.. Abrielle cut her first tooth on Saturday! No fussin' or anything! Shocked us to death! My only hint (seeing in retrospect) was that she had had extra-poopy pants for a couple days... Very good baby. :o)


Ruth said...

Happy Birthday, Shelly!!! Glad you had such a very special day. That's also pretty neat that teething went so smoothly for the first tooth - may it go that smoothly for all her new little teeth! :-)

Joanna said...

Awww Happy Birthday Shelly! So glad it was a wonderful day for you.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a great birthday! It's only fitting such a wonderful person would have such a wonderful birthday.