Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Settling in

Long day... Long week! ;o) Been trying to figure out where things are yet (we're still unpacking over here from our move!), and trying to settle in. Hard to do, but everyone will be a lot more relaxed and "happier" when their stuff is out and put away right. While it was a hard move, I'm so thankful we moved in the middle of the month instead of the end. Can't even imagine how Nutso I'd be right now if we'd have done that...

So thankful the kids are at a good stage too. They're such sweet kiddos. Really, they are. If all this had happened two years ago, I'd be pulling my hair out! lol! Several times since this weekend, Adam has put his arm around me and said he was sorry that my dad died. As much loss as he has endured in his own life, it amazes me that he goes so out of his way to comfort others when they are sad themselves. Great kid, that Adam.

Anyway, not much to say. Just wanted to check in. Thank you again, everyone for the kind words and thoughts...

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Wow. Talk about stress! Moving is very stressful and the death of a beloved family member is as well so you guys are going through a lot at once. (((hugs))) I will keep you and your family in my prayers for both your transition to the new home...getting settled and also the grieving process over your dad. What a comfort to know he is no longer in any pain and you will definitely see him again some day in Glory!!!