Saturday, February 05, 2005

Alligators and Elevators

Today we took the kids to the Childrens' Museum and the library again. At the museum, we took the kids on the elevator... Aleksa call it the "Alligator." No wonder she screamed the first few times she went on one. Poor kid.

For school stuff, I've been having Adam and Liana do "narrations." Technically, I'm supposed to write out whatever they say and then file it away. Instead, I've found it more effective to get out the camera and film them. They enjoy being the center of attention and it is fabulous for getting them to speak well and in a thought-out way. Adam tends to wander off-topic and make things up as he goes, but as long as he's talking I don't much care. He has a long way to go to be labeled as "fluent," and I hope this exercise as well as all the reading we're doing, helps the process.

Speaking of, we finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today. Just started it on Saturday. No wonder I'm hoarse! ;O) They loved the book - partly because of the fun story, but also because I let them each have a snack-sized chocolate bar to eat while we read it each day. Reading that book just makes you NEED chocolate! I had hoped to find the video at the library today, but it was checked out. Glad I didn't tell them it was coming... I'd have heard many, many complaints on the way home.

I picked up Because of Winn Dixie today on audio tape. I thought it would be a nice change of pace to hear someone else's voice reading. (Though I do love our reading time all curled up on the couch. That has been a blessing not only to their education and language-learning, but also to our bonding.) I figure I can use all the extra minutes this week getting stuff done around the house... Mama being sick makes for a LOT of extra housework when she's better, if you can get my drift! ;O) (I'm not complaining though, it just makes me know I'm needed around here!) :O) It's looking a lot like John and maybe Liana might be "down" tomorrow. John went to bed by 7:00p.m. Unheard of for my night-owl husband.

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