Monday, February 07, 2005

You Say Lee-Anna; I Say Lee-Ahna...

Tonight at bedtime, John's ritual of carrying them to bed like a different kind of animal made him become an ostrich (picture Swiss Family Robinson). Aleksa held onto John's neck while John flapped his wings and ran around crazy-like. Night-time is a riot at the Fisher house.

Speaking of night time, John and I were tucking in Liana and John called her "Lee-Anna" (as usual... that's what he calls her... *sigh*). Well, ocassionally when he says her name, I'll break into song. "You say, 'Lee-Anna;' I say, 'Lee-Ahna." (Because we say her name different from each other.) Well, when I started the song, I got to the second line and Liana actually chimed in and finished it. It cracked me up. I didn't realize that I had sung it often enough for her to know what I was singing. Funny. Poor girl. She's never going to know what her name is. I often will call her "Alek-Liana." Or, "A-Liana." She just shrugs and says, "Too many A's and L's, right Mama?" (Because that's what I always say when I mess up the girls' names.) They don't start with the same letter, but they really are similar when you're trying to spit their names out in a hurry.

A few months ago we got a wedding invitation to "John, Shelly, Adam, LEONA, and Alexis." I don't mind Alexis. At least I know where that came from, and at least it's a pretty name. But LEONA? Oy, oy, oy. Poor kid. Nobody can say it, and nobody can spell it. SOORRRRRRY Sweetie! (I still think it's a gorgeous name though... as long as you say it "my" way!) ;o)

And poor Aleksa has that Alaska thing going for her. People call her that all the time. Or Alesska. We should have just given her the Greek spelling with the "X" instead of the Russian spelling with the K. It would have saved her a lifetime of correcting people too. Oh well. I still think Aleksandra is prettier with the k. Aleksandra. Alexandra. Yup, the K makes it more Russian Princess-like.

And Adam's name will never be confused a day in his life. He might find himself one of ninety million other "Adam Fishers" but at least people will be able to spell it and say it. *sigh*

What parents stick their kids with. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

I really love your girls' names. They are as beautiful as your girls are!!! Jo from the ttc adoption board

Anonymous said...

Here here! I second Jo's comment. Your girl's names are gorgeous -and Adam's too!

Liana is exquisite and it works in many languages... and people outside of the US will pronounce it Lee-ah-na. It's beautiful in all the romance languages, arabic, farsi, turkish and Japanese! I don't know about other languages, but I think you have a lot of territory covered there. Aleksa is also beautiful. To a romance-language speaker it's definitely rooted in Russian, but because it ends in an 'a', it works beautifully. Also Russian women's names are notoriously strong and regal sounding.

Adam doesn't have to end in a vowel because he's a guy... Italians may have trouble but not too much.

If a few of us gringoes have trouble with their names, don't sweat it, your kids worlds will be big!

Sharon from MD

Shelly said...

Jo and Sharon, you two are so sweet! If you don't mind, I'm going to print your comments out and put them in our kids' lifebooks.

Feeling much better now. I often get a guilt trip over their names. I'm the world's best second-guesser.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

I'm honored, Shelly! Your mom is very wise - for those who have to get used to the names, your kids will give those people a positive association and make the names all the more special and beautiful. Sharon from MD