Thursday, February 03, 2005


What a rough couple days at the Fisher house. I've had a nasty fever, chills, and upset stomach since Tuesday night. My fever is only just this evening coming down - though it is still 99F. Not sure what's up, but I hope I can manage to get some sleep tonight. I must have looked rough, because John stayed home from work today to take care of me and the kids. He can rig up his computer somehow to work from home, so that's what he did for most of the day. Mom Fisher offered to take the kids for a few hours so I could get some rest, so that helped too. This was the longest I've been without them. I think they left at 11, and John picked them up at 3ish. That's a record. They'd never been to Grandma's without one of us either, so that was also a first. Hopefully, I'll be all better tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shelly,
Hope you're feeling better soon.
I wish I could send over a pot of homemade chicken soup, but I don't think it would travel very well!
Sharon from MD

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling well soon, Shelly. So nice to have John's Mom nearby to help out. Sending you some healing vibes*********... Jo from the ttc adoption board