Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I was just reading the website of the family adopting three children. They are on their way to Bilgorod-Dnistrovsky! That's OUR orphanage! I'm so homesick for Ukraine! I wanna go back! I want to see my Katya! I want to see our little Nadia! I want to see if little Sasha is still as adorable as ever. I want banana juice! I want roosters crowing outside our window!


Ok, my pity party has ended. It's just a good thing we don't have another bajillion dollars laying around though. It would be awfully tempting not to go back. But alas, those strawberry pie backaches are still a little fresh in my mind. I'll have to just dream on.

I would like to take the kids back to Ukraine some day though. I'd love for them to see the sunflower fields, and the golden domed churches, and the fortress in B-D. I'd love for them to go track down some of their bio family and maybe close a few chapters of their lives (or open them! Who knows!) I'm not sure what a good age to do any of the above might be, but I would very much love to see them go back and learn more about their birth countries and birth families. Ukraine is so full of interesting people and places. I would be on the next plane out if I had my chance. I happen to know a wonderful cab driver who would take me wherever I needed to go...

In the meantime, I'll be satisfied knowing that we took three pieces of Ukraine home with us. Very satisfied indeed.

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