Monday, May 02, 2005

Solo Again

Today John went back to the office for the first time since my surgery. I'm exhausted, but I made it ok. Thankfully, I didn't have this surgery three weeks after the kids came home from Ukraine. That would have been ROUGH. (Note to those considering adopting multiples: Those first weeks home are harder than they sound. I was just reading some of my posts from the first weeks home, and boy did I accentuate the positive and "eliminate" the negative. Trust me, it's a lot of work.)

Anyway, John's mom came by before she went to work and did some laundry for me, cleaned the kids' bathroom, and swept my kitchen floor (my biggest pet-peeve). It was so nice of her to come over. Times like these I really miss my mom. I'm so blessed to have the mil I do though. Not everyone has the relationship with their in-laws that I do, that's for sure. Counting my blessings like crazy.

The excitement happened after Mom Fisher left though. Adam cleaned Susie's glass aquarium cage, and oops, dropped it. Shattered glass all over the floor. So much for my swept floor. Adam did the best he could at cleaning it up, but Liana still wound up with glass in her foot. I had her soak it in hot water, and then handed her a tweezers. She dug and dug until she got it out. Good thing this happened to the fearless one in the family. It would have been hard for me to hover over anyone's foot to find a hunk of glass with my sore tummy. I had no doubt she'd get it out herself.

Headed to bed early tonight. Like at 7:30. Hopefully I can store up enough energy to handle whatever comes tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling a little better. Your mil is awesome, by the way. How nice of her to come help out. Not having a Mom or a mil, I really miss that help when I've needed it. I wish I lived near you to lend a hand. Since I don't, though, I'm sending you healing vibes through cyberspace. Hope you're feeling perky soon... Jo from the ttc adoption board

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you are on the mend. Now, I know all husbands are admonished NEVER to give home appliances as gifts to wives, but the best mother's day gift I ever received was my trusty dustbuster. My kids consider it a GREAT privilege to run it along the baseboards and under the table to suck up all the little treasures that they have left throughout the day. So although I don't think this would be an appropriate gift for you on THIS VERY special Mother's day 2005, just keep in mind that it DOES vacuum up glass shards, paper snips, and (heaven forbid) wandering spiders! It also picks up spilled piles of sugar, dried play dough, cheerios... I could go ON and ON. (Not that I haven't already, ha!). Rest up and keep mending! -- Laurel in Tulsa

Anonymous said...

Oooh, Laurel, good idea! I doubt John would come up with a dustbuster for Mother's Day (I sure hope not anyway!), but I could DEFINITELY use one of those! Cordless, right?! Gonna hafta do a Google search and see what's out there... ;O)