Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Bedtime is such a magical time for a Mama. Kids who might seem tough, grouchy, difficult, etc. all day long suddenly become tenderhearted and mushy, chatty and the kind of children every woman dreams of. I'm sure that's why God made bedtime. It recharges parents to have the stamina to wake up and do it all over again in the morning. There's just nothing sweeter than walking down the hallway after tucking everyone in and hearing, "I love you Mama!" from three little beds.

While I was tucking him in, Adam grabbed my hand and said, "Thank you, Mama for getting me from Ukraine. I have good food, good family, nice hamster and fish. I have good uncles and aunts and Grandpas and Grandmas. I have bicycle and swimming pool and toy cars. I have nice church to learn about God. I so happy!"

Adoption is an amazing thing. And to think that I wasted so many years kicking and screaming against the idea. I'm so thankful I finally wised up.


Anonymous said...

Shelly, what better words could a mother hear? Adam may not have a complete grasp of the language, but he certainly can express himself very well.

We so much enjoyed having you all up north for the holiday weekend. Your three are just typical kids in so many ways. What a change since Christmas! And while I am sure there were some difficult moments for them, but I also am sure my son and his wife enjoyed it as well. DON'T worry about what they might have said, and certainly don't feel guilty about having children.

Love and hugs to all of you.

Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, was this one ever a mascara ruining moment!

Adam is such a love!

Lisa S.

Anonymous said...

The world is kind of a sad place when a precious child of God has to be grateful because he has a loving family and enough food.
You are good people to be part of the solution. And I understand that it is a win/win situation when you adopt. Shelly, do your kids refer to their bio family at all? I hope it isn't too bold of me to ask. Just wondering how you address it with them since you seem to be so good about all the parenting stuff.