Friday, October 07, 2005


Just a short little whatzit this morning. At the breakfast table, I happen to mention to Leks that most people in America say her name with the /a/'s as is "Ann" and minus the trilled /r/. Every time I call her by her full name, I always say it the Russian way, which sounds like the short /o/, with the trilled /r/. So, it's something like "O-lek-sonn-drra." (The actual Ukrainian spelling is "Oleksandra.")

Anyway, when I told her that, she made a horrific grimace, and then started pretend-gagging. I cracked up. She's never been called Aleksandra by anyone but me, so that's the only way she's ever heard her name (the RIGHT way!) ;O) She tried to say it the American way, and could manage the short "a's", but insisted on keeping the trilled "r." She just couldn't bring herself to Americanize it fully. lol! (Of course, her little accent still keeps that trilled "r" a lot of the time anyway, but I thought it was funny that she wouldn't even try it.)

That's all. I had to write that down somewhere so I wouldn't forget it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, spoken like a true Ukraina Princessa! xo Lisa S.