Saturday, November 26, 2005

Crab Soup?

Another funny kid story...

Yesterday when we were up north with John's extended family, they had oyster stew along with all the turkey leftovers. The kids love most soups, so the older two had to have a bowl. Adam was tickled to see that it had oysters in it because he'd had them before in Ukraine - even had them raw, he said. But, he mistakenly called them crabs, which I somehow missed.

Anyway, I was sitting at the next table, and not really paying a whole lot of attention to them when Liana shouts over to me, "Mama!" I ask her "What?" She says, "Do I have to eat this crap?" I paused a moment unbelieving that I heard her right. I say, "What did you say?" She innocently says, "The crap. Mama, do I have to eat it?"

I pause a few more seconds weighing my words. Then I asked her who told her it was called "crap." She shrugged and said, "Adam did." Adam piped up and said, "Yeah, it's crab soup!"



Anonymous said...

Ahhh, from the mouth of babes:) What a great story! Thanks for the chuckle... Jo from the ttc adoption board

Marnie said...

I'm still laughing at this one, days after first reading it. Good for you for keeping your cool, although I bet your face was red there for a minute!

Anonymous said...

I still giggle too, Marnie... And after Adam told me it was "Crab Soup," I busted laughing, and poor Liana kept saying, "Well, Mama, do I have to eat it?" and I was laughing so much I couldn't answer her. She was a bit irritated... ;O)
