Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Science Experiments

Homeschooling has such endless possibilities for natural science-learning. Adam planted some of Susie's hamster food on a whim this fall, and was amazed to grow clover and a berry-producing weed of some sort (it has small, smooth, round, black berries on it; any clue?), in just a few short weeks.

Today he learned that if you put cream cheese on your bagel and THEN put it in the toaster, that you can make a full-fledged FIRE in the kitchen! Isn't that AMAZING?

So, we're minus one toaster (had to throw it in the sink to get the fire out), but we've had a wonderful learning experience. I think we'll be holding off on further cooking lessons for him for another few years...



Anonymous said...

LOL! I am glad you have such a great sense of humor and can laugh about these types of learning experiences! ;-)
Ruth from the ttc adoption db

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the joy of parenting! You are doing GREAT and give those wonderful kids a hug from us!

Laurel and Max

Anonymous said...

Hi, Shelly! I haven't been able to read your blog in awhile. I am working another job to help finance our adoption and I am pooped at night. But, I loved catching up on your beautiful family. I especially related to your comment concerning your changed feelings about your infertility. That really hit home for me. We just finished our homestudy this last weekend, so our adoption is seeming more real. And I am a truly changed person because of that. I AM going to be a mommy someday and I am over the moon happy. My six years of infertility in many ways has lead me to my waiting child. Thank you again for being one of the driving forces for me to continue on this path. And may you all have a blessed Thanksgiving! Jo from the ttc adoption board