Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well, five down, one to go. Everyone except Abrielle is or has been down with a nasty upper respiratory bug since we've been home from the hospital.

I've been down the hardest I think, but I'm sure it's because I've been sleep-deprived on top of being sick. I'm actually wondering if I don't have pneumonia... if I'm still rattly in the morning, I'm going to the clinic. *groan* I thought I was done with doctors for another few weeks.

We're really praying our littlest princess doesn't catch this one. It really is a nasty bug, and she's just such a tiny thing...


Anonymous said...

Praying for you. Get better quick. Really miss you guys.

Love you all,

Calico Sky said...

Oh shelly, I'll be praying for you all especially the baby. Can you Dr not do a home visit so you don't have to go out??
Hope you are all better soon!

Tami said...

Oh, honey. We'll be praying for you. I hope you all are feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Fortunately, since you're nursing, you're giving her the antibodies through your milk and she probably won't get it.