Friday, February 01, 2008

The hormones hit

Well, the day came.

Last night at the dinner table, Liana burst into tears for nothing.

It's hormones.

The more we asked her what was wrong, the harder she cried. Freaked the poor girl out not to know why she was *that* sad.

I confess, I laughed. That didn't help for some reason. ;o)

So John, being a better mom than me, *wink*, scooped her up from the table, carried her upstairs, and had a talk with her about how these feelings mean she's becoming a woman, etc., etc.

After a few minutes I pulled myself together though, and marched upstairs, and echoed what John said and added my own two cents.

When she finally quit crying, she and I went shopping. (What else could we do? LOL)It was really nice mother-daughter time which I think we were both badly needing.

John and I are gulping hard realizing this is only going to get more and more "interesting" as the kids get older. *breathes in and out* One day at a time, right?


Ruth said...

It's definitely an "interesting" time of life especially for girls. I taught middle school (mostly 6th grade) so I well remember watching girls go back and forth between acting more like a young girl to a young lady. Sounds like you and John handled it very well. ;-) One time I remember a 6th grade girl crying, and when I asked her why she told me it was bc she hadn't gotten "AF" yet. It was VERY hard not to burst into laughter as I remember thinking oh boy you'll have that for PLENTY of years - and it's really not something to cry over NOT having yet, LOL! Yes indeed your kids are growing up!:-)

vodkamartini said...

Oh, poor baby!

What a tough and confusing time for Liana. I think it's a time in your life that you never forget. I sure haven't and it's been 30 years for me, yikes!!

I'm sure a little retail therapy was just what the doctor ordered for both of you!

Hang in there, Shelly, you're gonna be a pro by the time it's all said and done!


Anonymous said...

Oh Shelly,
Welcome to the wonderful world of hormones. Call me to commiserate.

Anonymous said...

I do not look forward to that time in their lives...I think about that all the time (what we have to look forward to)! My girls are so emotional already I can't imagine it getting worse! We just celebrated D's 7 "and a half" b-day, so we have a few more years before it really hits...

Good luck...

Barb L.