Saturday, March 26, 2005

Funny Hair

This has been a busy few days. Auntie Sharon came to town on Thursday and we all colored eggs at Grandpa's house, and decorated some cupcakes. (Really cute ones. Frost them with green icing, then put some jellybeans on top. Then stick both ends of licorice twist as a handle. Adorable.) Sharon was such a sweetie - she gave Adam a new fishie! His name is David, I think. Though we all still goof and call him "Adam." So, maybe Adam will always have a fish named "Adam." We'll see... She also gave the girls a cross necklace. Everyone was very excited! (Understatement... the kids were rather wired with all the sugar from the jellybeans)

Yesterday we went to our Good Friday service at church, and Grandma gave us the girls' Easter dresses she made and also a nice shirt and tie for Adam. I can't WAIT to post pics of everyone all slicked up. The dresses are absolutely adorable.

Today I picked up the girls' Easter shoes and tights, and I also got John a shirt that will match Adam. That made Adam feel really special. It wound up to be the same brand and everything. Adam helped me iron the shirts. He's really excited to match Papa at church tomorrow.

The highlight of the evening, however, was putting curlers in the girls' hair, and Adam's haircut. Let's start with the girls. They are just as proud as punch about the prospect of waking up with curly hair. Who knows if their stick-straight hair will actually take a curl or not, but it was worth it to see their excitment over little pink spongy-curlers!

Then Adam's haircut. I was doing dishes tonight, and I asked John if he would cut Adam's hair. No problem. The next thing I know, the girls are asking John why he was shaving their brother's head, and John was explaining that everyone who is a soldier looks like that, etc. Finally, I turned around *big gulp.* Pretty much, Adam ain't got no hair, Mate. John had grabbed the 1/8" blade guard instead of the 1/4" one. We learned that an eighth of an inch is really important. (!) Poor kid. After John was done, Adam waltzed down to the bathroom for a shower, and as soon as he flipped on the light, he let out a Macaulay Culkin "Home Alone" scream. I didn't blame him!

I almost forgot to write about our trip to the library today. The children's room at the library has an emergency exit. We didn't know that before today. (!!!) Liana found it, and while John was saying, "NO, don't touch that, don't touch that!" She touched that. Set off an alarm, and sent a librarian running across the room. Hopefully that helped our cause in teaching Liana that there are reasons that Mama and Papa say "no." She was pretty sheepish for several hours. Freaked Her OUT. (Between the door and the bathroom, she's going to have a complex about libraries when she gets older!)

Can't wait til tomorrow! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!! Kristos Voskres!

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