Saturday, June 09, 2007

Aleksa Videos

Someone recently brought it to my attention that pictures and video clips from when the kids first came home from Ukraine aren't showing up on my blog. Bummer!

So, I'm reposting a few video clips as I upload them onto the internet - it takes a LONG time to do this, so I'll post 'em as I do 'em. Here are a few to start us off....

Aleksa's November 2004 (home almost three months) version of "The Three Pigs"

And now, here's one I took of her today reading the same book. She's been home from Ukraine 2 years 10 months...

Oh, and here's another one from today... My favorite book from my childhood was "Caps for Sale" and when Leksa reads it, she has to dramatize it too... She's definitely our little actress. Here ya go...

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