Tuesday, September 04, 2007

*blink, blink, blink*

I've been really trying to keep excess "pregnancy stuff" off this blog, and keep a pg journal elsewhere... But. Just this once I have to make a small exception...

The neighbor lady came over today.

She asked me how many weeks along I was, etc., and when I told her I had 11 weeks left, she said...

*drum roll*

"You must be carrying all your extra weight in your butt then."



vodkamartini said...

Nothin' like a pregnant woman to make people blurt out the silliest stuff...

I'm SURE she meant that you're baby belly is sooooooo small that she just didn't know where you could be carrying 29 weeks worth of pregnancy weight since I'm fairly sure she wasn't standing behind you when she said this!!!

Hope you're feeling good!!!


Tamera said...

That is jaw dropping!
So where is this pg journal? Online??? There just as fun to read as adoptions blogs!

Calico Sky said...

sweetie, you share as much pregnancy info as you want :)

um....I will NEVER understand people. Do they have brains???

what did you say?

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I like your interpretation MUCH better than my initial one! My neighbor is a sweetie, and we get along famously, but uh, sometimes she says the worst possible thing! This spring she came over and asked how I was, and when I said I was fine, she said, "Yes, but you have neck creases... that will get worse."

(I had NO idea I had neck creases at the time, and sure enough, they have multiplied according to her prophesy! Been laughing about them for months!)

Tamera, nope, my pg journal isn't online... just a word document. I'd never dream of putting such a thing online - those have always annoyed me half-to-death... (Kick-back from my wish-I-was-pg-but-can't-be days when friends would shove their ultrasound pics under my nose... and expect me to ooh and aaah. Actually, the only ones I've shown my u/s pic are my inlaws, and whoever happened to be standing next to them and wanted to see them, and not even they saw the "Big" ultrasound we had, just the initial "7-week u/s" that confirmed a heartbeat and that it was not an ectopic).

Been thinking about starting an all-new blog once Little Fish is born... more general mothering/housewivery stuff where I can talk about cloth diapers and nursing without cringing for anyone out there who is sensitive about adopting instead of giving birth. Not sure yet though... we'll see!

Ruth said...

LOL! I truly can't believe she said that to you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Shelly.

I hope that I am not going to be a stranger to you if I am, I will have to talk to Jared.^o^ I am his friend from Thailand. I just want to say "Congratulations!" to you. And I want you to know that you are now in my prayers. ^-^
May God bless you!

Ya ^o^