Saturday, September 08, 2007

Rough Week

Been a gruelling week for me. With all the neighbor kids back to school, and us getting back into the "school schedule" the kids threw their usual fits trying to settle into the new routine. We had some major "testing Mama" moments, er, hours, this week. Was ready to hand in my resignation papers on Friday! lol! I find it so interesting that horrible behavior can be predicted so faithfully just by looking at what the calendar says.

Aside from that stress... I found out this week that I flunked my glucose test, and had to do the 3-hour one. Flunked that too. So, guess who has gestational diabetes?


That would be me.

I see a dietician next week the day before my doctor appointment. I'm such a baby about needles! I've been reading a friend's blog who just finished doing IVF, and hearing how many shots she had to give herself made my stomach churn... She's braver than I am, that's all I have to say! These four finger-pokes a day are gonna take some major inhales and exhales! (I could just let Liana do it for me, but uh, it would go to her head awwwwful fast!) lol!

Anyway, I've been watching my diet like a hawk, and writing everything down to show the dietician and doctor. My mom had diabetes so the drill isn't all-new to me, but wow, have I been tempted with the cookie jar this week! I'm proud to say, I haven't cheated and I've had more energy in the last two days than I have in weeks! I keep saying, "Shelly, you are NOT messing with the health of your baby for a stupid cookie... Do you know how many women would gladly trade places with you and never eat another cookie again in their LIVES if it would mean they could have this baby?" Somehow that reality check is all I need to "just say no."

Since telling my family about my diabetes, both of my sisters and a niece are going on the Little Fish Diet (Yikes, almost used Little Fish's name right there!) right along with me. I HAVE THE COOLEST FAMILY!!! Sharon even passed up a World Class Caramel Apple straight from the orchard this afternoon because it didn't fit the diet. We're checking in with each other every night to see how we each did. Aren't they the sweetest?

It's definitely true that misery loves company! lol! If I can't have my Monster Cookie, it is comforting that some of those closest to me aren't eatin' theirs either!


Calico Sky said...

I just read your email! Thank you. I am sorry to hear about the diebeties, but sounds like you are doing great! Take care of you my friend, get those feet up and heck instead of relaxing with chocolate, how about apples and strawberries?! lol

Calico Sky said...

p.s. Hope the kids settle in soon!

vodkamartini said...


So sorry to hear about this bump in the road, but it sounds not only like you're taking control of the situation, but you've got some really terrific support for yourself. Just know that there are some many of us out here in blog land that are pulling for you!!

vodkamartini said...

Some many of us???

Can you tell I can't type and think at the same time

SO many of us!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon here. I DID pass up The World's Best Caramel Apple yesterday. Let me tell you, that hurt! It is all worth it, though. I would do anything to help Shelly get through this, and maybe I will even lose a few pounds myself. That certainly would not be the end of the world. Little Fish and I will be buddies one day, and we will team up and buy lots of goodies to "save for later". (Shelly knows what I mean by that! - It's a long story.)

I do think Shelly should let Liana do those finger pokes. I think Miss Scientist would LOVE doing that, and it would be good to get her involved. I can see her with her hands on her hips scolding Shelly to "hold still, mama!!" Then, I picture Aleksa nearby with a cold wash cloth for Shelly's forehead, and a bandage for her poor sore finger. Adam will be nearby with a pillow and blanket to make mama feel better after the ordeal. It will all be just fine.

Tami said...

Awww...honey, I'm sorry about the diabetes...but I'm so proud of you for sticking to your diet! You've got to do, what you've got to do. Little Fish will thank you later!

Ruth said...

Wow - kudos to your family on following your diet. That's "togetherness" in action!!!