Thursday, December 15, 2005

More Annie Moments

Had another "Annie" moment around here last night. At the dinner table, 'Leksa was singing some of her favorite "Annie" songs... She only knew a few lines of a few songs, but they were so sweet, I actually burst into tears right there in the middle of my supper. She started singing, "Maybe they'll be calling me Ba-by, maybe!" and "Yesterday was plain awful, but that's not now, that's then!" (She didn't get all the words right, but she got it really close with the right tunes, and it just plain melted my heart.) Then, after supper, the girls both had to serenade me. They started spouting off all the words to the "Yesterday was plain awful" song, and even did some of the same choreography as the movie. (Complete with pinkie handshakes, etc.)

It was late by the time we cleaned up after supper, but John and I HAD to let them pop the movie in again. It was a snow day here - everything closed, (Except the Fisher Schoolhouse, right Sharon?) *tee hee* Lots of white stuff falling down. It was a perfect night for snuggling anyway. This time when the watched it though, they knew enough of the words to sing along a bit... Did I ever tell you how much fun it is to be a mama?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to wish you and your precious family a very Merry Christmas! Thanks for taking the time to post here; I always enjoy reading your blog. When I was the principal of a school I directed the kids in "Annie, Jr." so I could sing right along with your kiddos! I am sure you are NOT like Miss Hannigan - but that was a really funny quip! Merry Christmas! Ruth from the ttc adoption db