Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Weekend update

This last weekend, we went back "home" for a farewell party that our church threw for us. Talk about emotional basketcases! One of those who wanted to wish us well wanted to share a memory he had of our Adam. I have to pass it on to you all, since I think it speaks volumes of how far the kids have come in their lives.

Last year, the kids were playing at this family's farm, and Adam reached up into a corn stalk, took down an ear of corn, detassled it, and then ate the whole thing, corn cob and all. Raw. And apparently with great gusto as well. What born and bred American boy do you know that would do that? But a boy who has known great hunger in his life considered such a find an actual feast. He does leave apple cores on his lunch plate now... most of the time. So, he isn't quite "that bad" anymore, but it sure tells a lot about how far our kids have come in their short lives.

Since this weekend, Liana has been a Monster. She is a control-seeker. She absolutely must be in charge, and has had to be reminded *CONSTANTLY* that she's only 7 and isn't the mama or papa. She loves the new house, etc., but she did not like leaving people that she loves behind, and this weekend was a reminder that she lost some thread of control over her life by having to leave everyone.

When we pulled away to come home on Sunday night, Aleksa told me that she changed her mind and wanted to stay, and that she was going to miss her friends too much. I told her that Mamas don't go anywhere without their babies, so she needed to come with. She shrugged, said, "Ok," and off we went.

Big changes are tough on little kids - and us adults too. But, well, I guess I see more positives out of this move than anything else, so I'm happy we're here.
Life in general just seems less stressful in this situation than in our last.

When John went out to call the kids in last night, he got to introduce himself to the neighbors across the street. The Mr. is in IT too, so they had lots to talk about, and he was even invited in! I was bummed though, to hear that the Mrs. and the children are going back to India for the summer starting on Sunday. John is hoping to be able to hang out with the Mr. a lot more after his family leaves. He's never seen so many programmers in his life as he has since we've moved! (John was the ONLY programmer in the office where he worked before!) Now he works with 'em, AND lives next to 'em! He's a happy boy! :O)

Oh! I keep forgetting! We got our first package of shoes on Monday! Thanks Katie, I think that was from you! We also got a brass bell this week that says "Fishers" on it... but it didn't say who it was from. So, thank you, whoever you are! It is BEAUTIFUL!


Anonymous said...

Shelly, If it was 10 pairs of shoes from Target, it was most likely from me. I will be on the look out for some good deals too. I'm glad they made it there so fast. Hope you get a lot of great stuff to send.

That sounded like a wonderful, if not emotional, send off. It's always nice to know how people feel about you especially when you share your lives with them.

I hope the new house and church and everything will be just wonderful and the kids will make new friends and adapt quickly, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

Yup, they were from Target, Katie, thank you so much!!!!