Monday, September 25, 2006

Where's Adam?

Last night I went into Adam's already-dark room to tuck him in. I started chatting with him a bit, and then realized he was being awfully quiet. I started patting the bed, and realized he wasn't in it! He was in the bathroom. lol! Fine, so I go off to the girls' room to tuck them in, and as I did so, John asked me what I was laughing about. I told him about Adam's empty bed and my talking to Nobody, and he laughed.

I finished tucking the girls in, and then went back to Adam's room, which was still dark. But this time, I could see that he was in bed (there was a lump!), and said "Adam! You're finally in bed for me to tuck you in and I don't have to talk to the air this time... etc., etc." Finally, John couldn't stand it anymore, and started laughing hysterically. Adam was hiding, and JOHN was in Adam's bed trying to trick me.

Both my boys sure had a fun time giggling.... Bedtime is such a riot around here!

1 comment:

Calico Sky said...

Your house sounds like too much fun. Can I move in???