Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Congrats, Sis!

Just got the most wonderful news! My sister and her hubby are going to do foster care! (And let me just say, she is the most AWESOME mama!!!) Can't wait to see how the next few months play out for them!

Congrats, Sis! You're making the world a better place to live in... Buckle your seatbelt!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you, Shelly. You are my inspiration for doing this, you know. I love the way you are taking care of your kiddos, and I hope that I can follow suit. My seat belt is buckled, and I am ready to roll!
P.S. I hope I get a boy or a girl, or a boy and a girl or two boys or two girls, or, or, or!! I guess it doesn't matter. I just feel like my life is missing something, and this just might be just the ticket.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sharon, hats off to you! Some children will be fortunate to have someone loving like you to care for them.

Connie (Shelly's MIL)

Barb said...

Tell Sharon I think that's awesome! She will do a fantastic job caring for those tender souls.
I know first hand how important that time the children have with her will never be forgotton...

Your cuz,