Friday, August 22, 2008

The Pioneer Woman

I'm sure I've mentioned before that I don't really read others' blogs a whole lot. The exceptions are those of you who leave me comments - I often pop in and see how you are doing. I like to get to know those who consider me a "friend" enough to keep reading my story here. Otherwise, I don't get around a whole lot. There are literally SCADS of other "homeschool mom" blogs that I really don't get into for some reason. After a while they all start sounding the same (no offense all you homeschool moms; you know I love ya!) It's just that nobody's has me hooked is all.

How Ever.

Have you ever heard of "The Pioneer Woman?" I heard of her via another homeschool board, but I don't read her because of any "homeschool-y" reason. She is just a complete HOOT. Her story has me hooked completely, and her writing is hilarious. Plus, she takes incredible pictures. (I mean INCREDIBLE). Here's her story; She's a doctor's daughter. Grew up on a golf course. Took ballet all her childhood. She went to college in Los Angeles. City-slicker who loves Starbucks. That kind of a gal.

And then she fell in love with a rancher. Like a several-generation Oklahoma rancher. And now she lives among the cows and the horses and the cowboys and the mud, and the grime. And the four children! And her life just isn't what she figured it would have been, but she loves every minute of it, and the glimpses she gives us of her life are heartfelt, touching, and very often have me giggling in my computer chair and I have to make John come over and read it too. Go check her out. I bet you'll love her too!


My Blessings From Above said...

Hi Shelly! I've been reading your blog before I understood what a blog really was. I was one of the gals who bought an angel pin from you and made a ton of them myself to help bring home our second ds.
I love, love love The Pioneer Woman!
I do read alot of blogs but finally got smart and read them in my google reader so they are all in one place! I guess you could say I am pretty much a lurker here on your blog! :)

Shelly said...

Michele!!! I remember you! (Boy we really DO go way back, don't we?!) lol! Thank you for sharing your blog link - I'll have to go get to know you a little better now!

Google reader, huh? I'll have to have Fisher hook me up with that!

Thanks for stopping in and saying hello!

Jan R. said...

OMG! I love the Pioneer Woman! I have read her entire blog in three short weeks... I am chomping at the bit for more and wish it was MEEEE that had met the MM!

I wanna be a cowbirl! LOL
and, the chaps....


Pink said...

Hi Shelly, I am new to your blog...I found it from a friend of mines blog. You have beautiful children....

I cried with you when your father passed was not all that long ago that I lost my partents. My Mom and Grandma died on the same day just a few hours apart on the same day in the same year. Then just 4 years later, almost to the day, my Dad I felt your were in my prayers for WEEKS.

I would like to read about the "The Pioneer Woman" to you have a link to her site?

Shelly said...

Pink! Nice to meet you! I enjoyed reading your blog this evening getting to know you a little! Congratulations on being cancer-free! That's just beyond awesome! It sounds like you've sure been through some rough times yourself lately - bless you for reaching out to those sweet little children who just lost their daddy in Iraq... *sniff, sniff*...

Oh, the link for Pioneer Woman! I can't figure out why Blogger isn't posting the web address as a link, but here's the address if you cut and paste it in your browser: Otherwise, you can Google "The Pioneer Woman" and she'll pop right up.

Thanks for stopping in and saying hello! :o)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure whether to thank you or not. First you gave me Tam's site (which btw I can no longer find her now) and now the Pioneer Woman. Problem is I can't get much done for reading-including yours!

Thanks (I think)


Shelly said...

Hi Shari! I haven't been able to find Tam for ages either... She musta fell off the edge of the earth or something. Methinks she's a tad too busy for blogging!

Anonymous said...

I remember that. It was hysterical. I love the Pioneer Woman.

Thanks for checking in.
