Thursday, August 07, 2008

Happy Birthday Liana!!

My Liliana is 10 now. *sniff, sniff* How can that be!!??

She and her sister are celebrating their birthdays together on Saturday, so it was rather a low-key day... EXCEPT!

Except that I took her in to get her ears pierced! She's been DYING to get her ears pierced ever since the first day I've known her... and I've always told her that she needed to learn to take better care of herself (remember to brush her hair without being told, etc.) Well, I do believe my girl has arrived. She makes her bed, keeps her room picked up, takes care of herself... It was time. And I am so glad we waited so long, because let me just say, it made it all that more delicious for her to finally have it done. She was on Cloud 900 all day yesterday. Kept checking her ears in the mirror to make sure those ears were still pierced and she didn't imagine it, etc. It was so fun to be a mom yesterday!!! I got all teary watching her hop up on the "piercing chair" - she went from being a "little girl" to a young lady, just like that. I'm so proud of her! She really is a sweetheart. Times like this remind me of the meaning of her name, "My God has answered me" and then of course her middle name is "Valentina." So, "My God has answered me with a Valentine." He really has. She's a gem.

The rest of the gang accompanied us, and Aleksa has decided that she *never* wants her ears pierced. Ever. She didn't like the look of that piercing gun One Bit. Or the sound of the shot. Or any of it. No thank you. lol! (I'm relieved because there is no way she's ready for it anyway, and her birthday is Sunday. Didn't want her expecting a surprise trip to get hers done).

Adam didn't like Liana getting her ears pierced one bit either... He had to walk around and not watch. He hates when his sisters get hurt. Like *REALLY* hates that. But once it was over and he saw an absolutely GLOWING little sister with sparkly earlobes, he was really happy for her and told her how pretty she looked. It was so sweet. I was proud of him for that...

Abrielle slept through the whole thing... She's been taking crash and burn naps - she's Quite Busy when she's awake. She is determined to teach herself to walk. She does crawl, but she uses her crawling skills to take her to the nearest thing to pull herself up on to stand. Yesterday I was loading the dishwasher, and looked down to see her standing next to me taking dishes OUT of the dishwasher. And when I was done filling the dishwasher, I noticed that I needed to take out some pop beads from the dishwasher that she had deposited. There's a first for everything I guess!

(Ain't she a sweetie?!!)


Ruth said...

Happy Birthday, Liana!!! I hope the girls have a very special celebration on Saturday! That's great that the ear piercing turned into such a special event. :-) Wow double digits already... and Abby is crawling already. Time just FLIES by. She looks sooooooo cute in her pigtails!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Liana!!! (And Shelly, a few weeks late!) Sounds like fun celebrations for all. Such happy times for you guys; thanks for the updates and great pics. Liana you are a lovely young lady and you look radiant in your new earrings! : ) --Laurel in Tulsa

Anonymous said...

You look so pretty, my dear Liana!!! And so grown up. We sure love you all.

Had to giggle over Abrielle's helping you with the dishwasher though, Shelly. So cute!

Happy birthday to my girls!
Love you so much!!! What lovely phone calls we had with each of you. Thank you for sharing your day with us. Hoping to see you soon.
