Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bubbles in the window

I was sitting quietly today looking out our livingroom window enjoying our scenery (see mother's day photos!) The kids were outside playing and John was taking a nap, so it was just me, my comfy chair, and a fabulous view. Then suddenly, a few soap bubbles gently floated past my window. I couldn't see the kids, but I could see their bubbles. It made me smile. I'm a MOM! I still just plain can't believe it. AND! My kids are happy and healthy and safe. Those few little soap bubbles proved it.


Missy said...
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Missy said...

Amazing how so few words can make me tear up! The posts I love hearing about the most from families is the "everyday nothing" sort of things. Those are what I long for everyday!!! I can't wait until the day when I get to see soap bubbles floating from nowhere! :)

Anonymous said...

Not sure how I double posted this entry, but oh well.

Btw, Missy, how's that adoption fund coming along? Do you have a time frame in mind of when you'd like to start your homestudy?

Missy said...

It will probably be at the beginning of 2007. I am in the process of buying a home, so I need to get all that in order before I can do anything really. The fund is going well and my parents are so excited. My mom has decided that if in any way possible, she is going with me!! She wants to be able to love up her grandbabies as soon as she can!

Anonymous said...

I cried when I read this entry, and I cried again just now reading it again several days later. I came back to read it to my husband, but my voice was choking up reading it out loud to him. Thank you for sharing these wonderful moments with your children with us.

-Maria from Australia (who doesn't have sheep lol) x x x