Thursday, June 08, 2006

Mother's Intuition?

I was sitting on the couch today and Aleksa was playing on it next to me, but she was getting a little nuts-o. Liana was in the kitchen supposedly finishing up her math. Finally I said to Aleksa, "Liana, that's enough." Liana, who didn't know I called her sister the wrong name, thought I was talking to her and called in from the kitchen, "Mommy, how did you know I was being bad!? You weren't even IN here!"

Cool! Two birds with one stone! :O)

(Ok, how many of YOU would have fessed up?)


Missy said...

I remember thinking, when I was a kid, that my mom had eyes in the back of her head. Maybe she was just yelling at my brother and used the wrong name! You have solved much Shelly! :)

Anonymous said...

Missy, happy to help! (And thanks for your help too! Got the package on Thursday!) xox