Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bee Sting!

Still up to my eyeballs in things to do, but we had an "emergency" a few hours ago that I MUST sit and blog or I'll lose it.

I was in the kitchen starting to think about what to make for supper, and suddenly I heard the most blood-curdling scream I've heard in ages... Miss Aleksa Lu at her finest. She was stung by a bee. And, as Liana announced, "The bee's butt is still in her skin!"

How exciting. Nobody freaks quite as well as Leksa. Nobody. And I haven't heard her freak like this since she was newly home. I instantly thought back to the days when just leaving her alone in a room by herself could send her into orbit.

So, in she came, and I very calmly held her little cheeks in my hand and said, "Ouchie, Aleksa, that hurts. I'm going to lead you over to that chair and then we're going to set you down. OK?" And then I said, "Ok, now Aleksa, Mama is going to get you a cold rag and some ice. I'm right here." Then I said, "Leks, we gotta get the tweezers so we can get the stinger out." After a few more minutes of hugs and kisses, she started to calm down. I got the stinger out and put the rag and ice on her (it got her on the inside of her wrist - ouchie!) Layed her down on the couch, got her Twinkle Bear and her Pony and she settled right down. Never saw such a sweaty, pitiful mess of a girl, but she was ok.

Ok, why am I giving the blow by blow? Well, because she actually calmed down. Three years ago, she would STILL be screaming, and I'm not kidding you.

Big brother Adam really doted on his sister. Thankfully, he didn't tell me it was all my fault - he's been known to get really mad at me and tell me that any time his sisters are hurt. He decided that he was going to read her a story. She had it made. Got her some ice water, her own tv tray, and a snuggly blanket, and she was happy as a lark.

I snuck back into the kitchen to get our supper going again, and a little while later Aleksa came into the kitchen and said, "I'm so glad I have a mama to take care of me and give me hugs and ice when bad things happen like bee bites. Those orphanage mamas didn't take care of me like that, and it was scary."
No wonder she was such a screamer when she first came home.

I think those were the most profound words out of Aleksa's little mouth. She has NEVER EVER EVER talked like that. She has NEVER talked about the "orphanage mamas." She has only very seldom ever said the WORD orphanage let alone tell me what she remembered or how she felt. Her brother and sister are the talkers and rememberers. She only ever talks about life since we brought her home. It's like she has forgotten everything else. But I guess not.

I'm sure it goes without saying that we had a Hug Fest right then and there....


Missy said...

Your stories have a way of giving me goosebumps. It must break your heart to have your little ones express feelings like that. But then again, how wonderful that she could share those feelings! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Tami said...

Wow. Awesome. Beautiful. Amazing. All of these kids come with so much baggage. I'm so glad she's been able to drop some of it. It gives her more room to hug you with. Bee stings and all! :)

Anonymous said...

Ahh, our poor dear Aleksa. I am so glad that she revealed what she did to you. They are all so dear. We treasure them. You did an absolutely wonderful job of reassuring her and calming her. A lot of that had to do with the love and stability that you have given to them.
Lots of love to all of you,

Calico Sky said...

your blog always sets me off crying...sniff sniff, the stories are always beautiful and that one was simply the best...

Out of the mouths of babes!

Praying for all those without thier very own momma to hug them, hoping they'll have one soon!